Sunday, November 25, 2012


Good Evenin'

Well, two stories come to mind, but it's the second, I reckin' most accurate. It come from that book that was real popular, back some years; "The Trail Less Travelled".

There was a part where they talked about evolution, or growin', as a person, at least roughly translated. Anyway, they talked about times when you might figure you was kinda depressed and said how, it's not always the way it might first appear.

They went on to say, how sometimes, it's just that some old part of ourself is dyin', so somethin' new can be born. And, that depression is just a kind of sadness, for the old familiar part that's passin', where we might not, yet have learned to appreciate the new part.

Anyway, it's not that I'm particular depressed, but I am sorta uncomfortable and a little disoriented, these past few days. And, I have a feelin', it's kinda similar to that story.

Recent, I've been feelin' a lot of inspiration, make a deeper commitment to my heart and I've noticed, over the years that that kinda inspiration, is powerful, in a quiet kinda way. It really does move some kinda mountains, in our inner world. And, when large bodies of inner earth shift, it can kick up some dust.

O.K., so the first story gets included. I just remember a wise man once remindin' me, "when you really want to travel in the world of the heart, you must remember, it's like swimming; when you first dive in, you're apt ta kick up some sand. Don't be fooled. Wait for the sand to settle and a beautiful new world will open up before your eyes."

I guess I believe that happens again and again, as life and longin' unfold.

Have a nice night!


1 comment:

  1. My sand is stirred up a bit too ... good story.

    Being spiritual and human is a wonderful, confusing, amazing balance ... which as of yet I have NOT achieved. Just the simple human joy of being hugged does something powerful to your Spirit. Human touch. Someone who smiles when they see you, and their face lights up when you enter a room ... not ego, not romanticism, just a warm feeling of being loved and cared about, combined with a deep inner connection.

    I live an isolated life ... for me, I believe it's time for a bit of a change, and whatever that change is, I'm going to "hug" it. :) The interaction with other people can really accelerate Spiritual growth ... that's just what I believe for myself though. Might not be that way for others.

    I certainly agree that it happens again and again in life ... growing pains.

