Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Waste Not

Good Evenin'

And, yes another peach; blue sky, calm and 60 degrees.

And, a course, a day not to be waisted on anything unessential, so, I went for a toot with the bunch! It's really been way to long, since we all went for a good poke and, with one a the owners comin' up for thanks givin', it was the perfect excuse, go check my gates and open the gate to their place, over on the west side. And, pretty as it was, the bunch havin' come in early and already havin' given them two flakes each, a good excuse to save hay; once we'd made the round, I let 'em in to the patch in the southwest corner, where there's still some fair grass and let 'em graze there, hoofin' it home with the "Hutz".

Just, about dark, I got in a round a hide and seek with the boys, and they were in the mood. They'd run out to the end a the run and hide behind a tree, then I'd sneak out real quiet, like I was fixin' ta pounce, and they'd high tail it back to the barn. Then, a course, wait 'til I was almost back and high tail it back to the run. Couple or three times, we were all tuckered out, so we wandered in for a flake.

Anyway, it was almost a holiday, and I'm like ta get busy tomorrow, but a day like that, it just begs ta be enjoyed. And, I'd say we did it up fair.

Have a nice night!


1 comment:

  1. The "art" of having a good time ... sounds like fun! But more than that, it sounds good for the soul. That sure is a good tired, and a walk about to boot. Your weather is perfect!

    Stella and I did a similar rendition this morning, only I chased her up the driveway doing my best to sound like a turkey, which got her all riled up, and she did the butt-tuck zoomies. Wouldn't you know, some of the high-rent-district folk were walking by on the little gravel road. I imagine that was quite a sight ... a woman in a blaze orange sweatshirt, old jeans, with her hair flying, chasing a brown dog around, laughing and croaking "GOBBLE, GOBBLE, GOBBLE!" They didn't stop ... maybe they've never seen that before ... Laughing! I didn't want to stand around and talk anyway ... Stella said I had important business to do entertaining her.

    Thankful for the life the Creator gave me, here in the wilderness, living with a little brown dog, and contentment.

