Monday, November 19, 2012


Good Evenin'

And, another unbelievable, beautiful day; even if I did sleep through a fair portion. The hay came! So, I was up and at 'em early; had the gate open at 7:45 and Dave pulled in about 7:50. And, pretty much he just backed in and we got after it; two hours and 240 bales later, we were rollin' straps and tradin' dough.

It took me a couple a hours come back down to earth, ate my lunch and passed out cold. Got up, through a flake for the ponies and went back for seconds; woke up just before dark. And, now it's 8:30 and I'm ready for bed!

Simple math, I reckin'; ain't as young as I was!

Have a nice night!



1 comment:

  1. That's a lot of hay to mess with in 2 hours ... wow ... I'd sleep for 2 days. Glad it was early in the day. Sometimes your body just wants to sleep.

    Nice to know all of that is done and in the barn for the coming winter, plus you had a good day to do it without snow or rain slicing through you. I sure hope you wake up refreshed.

