Thursday, January 31, 2013


Good Evenin'

And, a fair nice day! Didn't get too warm, but sunny and not too much wind.

I suppose the biggest event of the day was firewood; I'd gotten down to my last few sticks, with the cold and snow. So, I was out fair early, hit my piles and knock off the snow, 'fore it started to melt.

And, a course, I'm sendin' out a few notes to friends, see if we can't raise enough, grab this half a load a hay, we might could get. I hate to bother folks that already helped me out, times gone by, but I guess I hate more payin' twice for less come spring.

Anyway, it got late, where I run across an article 'bout Tom and Ray, I'd never seen and I had to read it up. Always fascinatin' readin' about lives lived with a passion and, a course where it involves horses, double. But, I'm always reminded, much as I love and admire their work and their stories, what they did for the horse and horse people everywhere, they lived in a time and a place, that was equal a gift, just for them. And, like that quote I ran across today, "be your self, everybody else is already taken", I can only take the inspiration to live the gift of my own.

Have a nice night!

Best, always


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Times They Are A Changin'

Good Evenin'

And, no precip, least wise, daylight, just a cold and windy one; the cold dry air, pushin' the storm off east. Supposed ta hit the 30's man~ana, 40's on Thursday; got my bathin' suit ready!

It's been some years since I was in touch with my family, but with the book and all, we got back in touch, this past year and I've traded notes, with my brother, two sisters and some neices and nephews. Got a nice note from a neice today, likely the one I know best. I was stayin' at my brothers when she was born, and got to know her, that first year, however that works; I guess some bonds defy explanation.

They've been havin' some family circles, inspired by some difficult times and this neice had been fillin' me in. And, it's curious revisitin' their world; so much has happened, so much has changed, the kids are bright, thoughtful and educated and most have kids of their own. Couple of times I've made a comment and realized, "ya know, I've got a lot to learn"; so much of what I remember, what my life with their parents, and grand parents was like, what my life has been apart, it just ain't important. Some of it is, but a lot of it isn't. And that's where the learnin' comes in; I think, bein' a good "elder" might have a lot more to do with listenin' than givin' speeches.

So, God bless the children, and thanks for bringin' em in; what I can see, there's a lot, way smarter'n us.

Rough recollection here: "don't try to understand the children, just love them; for they were born for tomorrow and yours was yesterday. But worry neither, for so God loves the arrow in flight, he loves the bow that was strong".

Gibran from "The Prophet"

Have a nice night.


Monday, January 28, 2013

The Wisdom of Winter

Good Evenin'

And, ya, we finally got our blustery day. Rain, snow and hail off and on, with moments of sunshine, here and there; topped out somewhere in the thirties, I reckin', but all in all, not a bad day.

Caught up with some old friends, gathered firewood, wrote a few letters and a course, fed ponies. Winter time's always a little funny that way; somewhere between recoverin' from summer and linin' up for spring, there's always that sense of another year passin', and how to make the next one count. And, older I get, deeper it goes.

I remember a few years back, noticin' that I had ta get more sensible on my plannin'; I'd have a whole bunch lined up, horses and cows or whatever, and time I was done, and winter had come, I'd realize, "wow, that was too much". So, next year I'd set up for a "smaller bite", only to find, another year older, "wow, that was still, too much".

Anymore, I reckin', I just take winter a time to get quiet and rest; try and make room for a gift.

I remember a good old friend once remindin' me, how, when ya wake up and ya think ya got a sore throat, ya might have ta swallow, three'r four times, 'fore your sure. He went on to suppose that life's a little like that; "sometimes, ya gotta try a bunch a stuff, for your sure you're an idiot, then ya learn to ask for help."

He must a been a prophet!

Have a nice night.


Sunday, January 27, 2013

A Good Day Afterall

Good Evenin'

Well, with all the "hoopla" over the weather, "storms" and such, it was a pleasant day; I think it mighta sprinkled once for about five minutes. I get my weather from NOAA and they use these dark little icons to indicate the weather; shadowy, miserable little pictures of snow and rain. I suppose, no funnier than me believin' them. It was sweetly mild with fair sunshine and big beautiful clouds, sailin' all about.

Otherwise, I suppose, I'm a little on the "tarred" side; the "road less travelled" ain't always easy and often there's no where to look for re-assurance, save the heart and sometimes the fog rolls in. Can't complain, I don't reckin' any roads easy and at least I know where to look; with patience the fog, sooner or later, rolls out. Come to think of it, it mighta been a little foggy, past few days and I coulda been more alert.

So, maybe there's some "homework", and some I know I can; while patience is sure, love is quick, so we'll roll in the sunshine and roll out the fog. Tomorrow's a brand new day!

Have a nice night.

Best, Always

A Good Afterall

Good Evenin'

Well, with all the "hoopla" over the weather, "storms" and such, it was a pleasant day; I think it mighta sprinkled once for about five minutes. I get my weather from NOAA and they use these dark little icons to indicate the weather; shadowy, miserable little pictures of snow and rain. I suppose, no funnier than me believin' them. It was sweetly mild with fair sunshine and big beautiful clouds, sailin' all about.

Otherwise, I suppose, I'm a little on the "tarred" side; the "road less travelled" ain't always easy and often there's no where to look for re-assurance, save the heart and sometimes the fog rolls in. Can't complain, I don't reckin' any roads easy and at least I know where to look; with patience the fog, sooner or later, rolls out. Come to think of it, it mighta been a little foggy, past few days and I coulda been more alert.

So, maybe there's some "homework", and some I know I can; while patience is sure, love is quick, so we'll roll in the sunshine and roll out the fog. Tomorrow's a brand new day!

Have a nice night.

Best, Always

The Colors of Winter

Good Mornin'

And, I actually did have a "log" typed up last night, but my battery died and took the log with it.

Anyway, I coulda gone down to the barn, get a fresh one, battery, but rainin' like it was, I just "letter go" and went to bed.

But, if I remember, co-rect, side from the weather report, I was musin' on "judgement" and how, special in the winter, where it's often difficult get anything done, it's kinda easy for "the voice" to come in and start cuttin' ya up; "lazy, good for nothin' s.o.b.", etc. Anyway, for some reason it's been real present that question of judgement and the con-sideration, it's a big waste a time; not to mention, ill founded. Ill founded 'cause we're just not qualified, which is a question so large, I'm just gonna leave it right there, for your quiet con-sideration and, "a big waste" a time, as the sayin' goes, "don't look back, that's not the way you're goin'".

I am aware that some of this stuff might fall into the "alternative" thinking category; some might rather call it radical. But, the kinda challenges we face, personally and collectively, that "linear" line, started turnin' up "zeroes", some time ago. So, either there is "magic", or "grace", whatever ya want a call it, or there isn't, which for me, translates to "hope or nope".
And, I reckin', end of the day, I've seen it too many times; my little efforts addin' up to a much greater result, and to me, that's kinda magical. I believe, in my bones, that's hopeful.

So, my alternative to judgement, looking back; looking for forward, aspiration. How can ya see the magic, "little effort, much greater result", even once and not aspire to apply that; make it real, everyday, in my life. I've really looked and I can't find any "math" better'n at.

Have a nice day!


Friday, January 25, 2013

We Beholdin'

Good Evenin'

And, not a bad one; a little sunshine here and there, almost made 50 degrees. Otherwise, a sea of buttery blue-grey clouds and fresh moist, spring like air.

I suppose I spent the day re-collectin' myself, after the "tax day cameth". So, pretty simple; feedin' ponies, a wee nap and firewood, with a brief sidetrack into the great flu debate. Been runnin' into folks, all hot about it, one way or another, so I went and looked up a few articles, pro and con. Didn't come to any conclusion, one way or another, though, they are admittedly, usin' some strange ingredients, but I did come away with a funny sense of the 50/50 question; 50/50 republican/democrat, contrails/chemtrails, flu shot/potshot, the list goes on and on. I'm guessing it'll be 50/50 on the second amendment. Don't know if you saw it, but yesterday, someone posted a good one on facebook; a bear with a "paw" raised, and a quote, "excuse me, on the right to bear arms, where are you getting them"?

Anyway, I remember readin' something once, "truth is a beauty that lives in the heart; you won't find it written on a piece of paper". I know it's a little ironic, but it sure stopped me in my tracks, and isn't that "beautiful"?

Somehow, no matter what the question, ya start ta get a sense, "it'll always end up about 50/50, give'r take a little", about 50 percent'll see it one way, about 50 percent'll see it the other and the debate'll go on and on.

So, just gettin' "stopped" by that quote, personal, I remember feelin' that that, truly has somethin' ta say.

I remember readin', once how, whenever they tried to prove that light was a wave, it proved ta be a wave. And, whenever they tried to prove it was a particle, it proved ta be a particle. So, call me what you like, but it seems to me that whenever we get real "technical" about life, we're gonna end up in a big debate and, end of the day, it'll probably end up 50/50.

And, maybe it's that simple; debatin' is "fun", for some, anyway, and it "looks" productive, but usin' the politicians for example, there does come a point where everybody gets tired; really tired. And, what do they do? They take a vacation and go somewhere beautiful.

I just believe there really is a point there, even if it takes a little quiet, con-sideration.

Have a nice night.

Best, Always

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Burroed Time

Good Evenin'

And, one more sweet one; couldn't believe it, over 50 degrees. It did cloud up afternoon, but way pleasant.

Anyway, much as I got to enjoy; runnin' around this mornin' finish up my taxes, get it all signed sealed and delivered, then goin' back and figurin' out howcome the numbers didn't add up. Oh, well, it's in, on time and I noticed they did include another form for an amended return.

Still and all, pretty good for an old half blind cowpoke.

The other good news, a course, I really didn't get too stressed and, god willin', tomorrow I get to catch up with the critters and things that make way more sense. Did catch up a little with my heart, after dinner and that was fair, sweet; a good nights rest and tomorrow's a new day.

It does occur to me, that attitude is extremely important these days; don't know if you've noticed but it seems a lotta folks I encounter are very stressed. And, It is a little freaky, when ya run into them, throwin' away their sense a right and wrong and just believin' they can "force it", their way. Always, makes me think and say a wee prayer, sometimes not so wee, "please, and thank you, I really don't wanta go there, and, my guess, your grace, my only real hope"! I do believe, there is such a thing as "shelter"; maybe not on the outside, always, but truly, on the inside. And, that I need to remember, always; priority number one, right with myself.

Have a nice night!

Best, always

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Caesars Wages

Good Evenin'

And, a fair day! Did have some clouds move in and it's supposed to come on a precip this weekend, but, today, 40 some and fair pleasant.

And, a little more headway on "Caesars Wages"; found out the due date, got my number for the last six months of 2012 and figured out the best way to track my book sales was to list 'em all alpha-beta-lee! Which, worked pretty good and helped me find the few books I couldn't A- count for. Now, I just gotta get up early enough, get the last half of the alpha-bet down, ring up the total, multi-ply it out, write the check and wait for the postal lady; ya, they're due on Friday.

I was feelin' kinda proud; this is all, "purdy dern organized" for the likes a me, though I wouldn't say I got it all done with "perfect peace". But, if the Creator ain't "all" powerful, it's close, just me gettin' this far, with some serenity is pretty much a first class miracle.

Otherwise, the ponies are good, the pups are whacky, we're all fed and watered and the cowboy's headin' for beddin'; beat the post lady to the mailbox. (That's "to" not "with".)

Have a great night!

Best, Always

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Me and Father Sky

Good Evenin'

And, another peach! Same, same; 45 degrees, blue sky and sunshine.

Got up a little late, but got after business pretty fair. The late part was due to a wee miscommunication with a friend; I'm very thin skinned when it comes to those things. I try fairly hard, keep all my relations on the up and up, so, when misunderstandin's crop up, I tend to take it kinda hard. Anyway, I think we cleared things up, least in terms of intent and I'm confident, the rest'll fall in place. Good friends and strong foundations, sure pay off in the long run.

And, "business" wise, I'm pretty well set "give unto Caesar" and I'm left, about 80% up on my load a mid winter hay, get us through to the summer cut, with two weeks left, for a facebook "shout out", "help feed the ponies". Somehow, it's perfect; proud as I can be, askin' for help, well, it does keep things in the "slightly more modest" arena.

Anyway, it's also incentive, get a little more organized, where it's not such a tight squeeze, every time. I've been tryin' some time, without much ta show, but, livin' out here, it does leave ya some stubborn, where most times, anything gets done, it's only 'cause ya didn't quit, no matter how slow it looked. It really is a gift, so many ways and I gotta say I love it. Maybe, whatever reason, I grew up way to worried, how I stacked up next to others. So, creator, circumstance, I ended up in Grateful; there's so much "nowhere" out here, I started my own town and I call it Grateful. Point is, here I am, with basically, no one to stack up to, just me and the critters and a lot of "care". And, to me it's a huge gift, completely turn things around, just from the inside out; "are you doin' the best you know how"? And, no one to know or to care, 'cept me, the critters and Life; for me a gift of gigantic pro-portion!

Have a nice night.

Best, Always

Monday, January 21, 2013

Deusy of a Day and a Dingo Dog

Good Evenin'

And, yes another peach; blue skies, sunshine and gentle breezes. There was a wee chill in the air and we only made 40 degrees, but no way I'm like ta consider a "discouragin'" word.

I even ventured a long overdue scrub; anyone a the past few days, was warm enough, but after two weeks, day time high a twenty, it takes a few days, to trust the warm is for sure. A shave, a haircut and a topside scrub! And, with the slightly longer day, I even made a run to the neighbors, coffee, howdy do and made it back with time to feed and gather some wood.

See, if I can't touch up the last a the paper work, man~ana, get that off in the mail.

And, the Wedo dog keeps makin' me laugh. Yesterday, I mentioned we'd worked out a few rules, pretty good natured; well, one of 'em was, "his" bed is in the corner. We'd had a few "snappy" moments over bed space and Whichy was a little upset, so I made a little partition, down the middle and, where he was inclined to the "corner office", that side was his. Well, every now and then if she goes out, he'll sneak over to her side and try that out. So, when I notice, I start laughin', walk over and get a hand under his side, start rockin' him up, reminder that, "that ain't the spot". First few times, he was terrible scared. Now, he relunctantly, waggin' his tail, crawls back, literal, around the partition and back over to his side.

I figure it's all good; he's gettin' over his fear and clearly, he's feelin' comfortable enough, express his opinion, even if it might meet another. Some folks consider coyotes for rascals. All I can say, is "dingo's no better"!

Have a nice night!

Best, always

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Trust By A Nose

Good Evenin'

And, yes, another peach; 45 degrees, blue sky and sunshine. Big old high pressure system, takin' all the weather north; supposed to last right on through the week.

Otherwise, unfortunate, I think I'm gonna make progress on the weekend, but with free minutes on the phone, I end up spendin' some time catchin' up with friends and, 'fore I know it, it's comin' up Monday! Anyway, can't complain; by and large it's old friends and we end up remindin' each other, the things that are really important and that's worth it's weight.

Ponies are good, the pups seem happy and Wedo's gainin' some weight. I reckin' part, his little "bod" got a taste of the weather and figured ta "tallow up" and part, I reckin', he's feelin' safe and happier, by the day. He is an odd little dog; kinda "other worldly". He sure has his own rhymes and reasons. But we've worked out a few rules, pretty good natured and I think that's helped a lot; I reckin' he got a fair lickin' for eatin chicken, there where he used ta live and I think that left him some worried. Just like horses, if you're fair and make an effort ta understand, they'll take all kinda direction and love ya for it. If ya just come down with the fury, 'out considerin, their point a view, they'll just get worried and disappear; a sad situation.

Don't know if you got ta see "The Horse Whisperer", or read the book, but ta me that was the crux of the deal; people, horses, any critter, most like, losin' hope and disappearin' inside themself. In the book/movie, there's a point where Tom's talkin' to the Mom of the little girl, had the wreck with her horse, and talks about his own pain, losin' a friend like that and urges her, "not to let that happen"!

It's a great reminder, any relationship, and maybe, most important us with ourselves; if it's important, pay attention. Wrecks come easy, healin' can take a whole life.

Have a nice night!

Best, Always

Saturday, January 19, 2013

My Horse Wears The Sun Like a Hat

Good Evenin'

And, for starters, prayer's, crossed fingers and best wishes, for my friends up north who are in the freezer and my friends "down unda", who are in the cooker! (Minus 30's up north, 120's, some parts a Oz.)

Another peach of a day in the land of enchantment; 45 degrees, blue sky and sunshine. Maybe, the only good thing about some of these extreme weather patterns, is that maybe, we'll start payin' attention and takin' better care of Mother Earth. It's kinda sad, we get so entrenched in our habits of abuse that it, so often, takes calamity to get our attention; even consider change. And, a course, soon as I say that, it's time to check my own front yard.

Kinda funny, yesterday, I woke up and sat up for some "heart time", way I always do. I don't know what got into me, but somehow or other I ended up in a sorta "snit". Really quite funny, more I think about it; kinda like, accordin' to me, I was makin' a lot of effort and Creator just wasn't listenin'. Unfortunate, I wasn't quick enough to stop and really look at what hadda hold a me, so it got worse and worse, 'til I finally got up and even said somethin' out loud, along those lines.

Then it got kinda amazin', almost as if, someone we all know and love, turned slowly around and gave me the eye; as if to ask if I really wanted beg that question. All I can say is, I had a sudden and profound change of heart.

There is so much needs attention, so many in real pain and trouble, my life, truly, so soft, least I could do is keep a modest attitude; so grateful for all the mercy and grace, saved my butt, a million times over, and make a little effort, somehow, everyday. If I have any appreciation for history, I should know, I have a "long, long" way to go, 'fore I ever get proud a "my try".

Anyway, quite a day, quite a moment; maybe I'm "losin' my marbles". But, I don't believe I'll ever be quite the same and that mightn't be all bad.

Have a nice night!

Best, Always

My Horse Wears The Sun Line a Hat

Good Evenin'

And, for starters, prayer's, crossed fingers and best wishes, for my friends up north who are in the freezer and my friends "down unda", who are in the cooker! (Minus 30's up north, 120's, some parts a Oz.)

Another peach of a day in the land of enchantment; 45 degrees, blue sky and sunshine. Maybe, the only good thing about some of these extreme weather patterns, is that maybe, we'll start payin' attention and takin' better care of Mother Earth. It's kinda sad, we get so entrenched in our habits of abuse that it, so often, takes calamity to get our attention; even consider change. And, a course, soon as I say that, it's time to check my own front yard.

Kinda funny, yesterday, I woke up and sat up for some "heart time", way I always do. I don't know what got into me, but somehow or other I ended up in a sorta "snit". Really quite funny, more I think about it; kinda like, accordin' to me, I was makin' a lot of effort and Creator just wasn't listenin'. Unfortunate, I wasn't quick enough to stop and really look at what hadda hold a me, so it got worse and worse, 'til I finally got up and even said somethin' out loud, along those lines.

Then it got kinda amazin', almost as if, someone we all know and love, turned slowly around and gave me the eye; as if to ask if I really wanted beg that question. All I can say is, I had a sudden and profound change of heart.

There is so much needs attention, so many in real pain and trouble, my life, truly, so soft, least I could do is keep a modest attitude; so grateful for all the mercy and grace, saved my butt, a million times over, and make a little effort, somehow, everyday. If I have any appreciation for history, I should know, I have a "long, long" way to go, 'fore I ever get proud a "my try".

Anyway, quite a day, quite a moment; maybe I'm "losin' my marbles". But, I don't believe I'll ever be quite the same and that mightn't be all bad.

Have a nice night!

Best, Always

Friday, January 18, 2013

I'll Bet the Crow Knows

Good Evenin'

And, another peach; up into the forties, blue sky, sunshine and gentle breezes.

And, I suppose I made a little headway; talk to the hayman and my hay partners, fed ponies, broke ice and gathered up some firewood. Now, I do need to get serious about my bookkeepin', figure out how much we got; see if we can't land this load, half, really, save us from the 12$ spring hay.

I suppose it's a little bridge I gotta cross, inside myself; I have never been fond of paperwork! And, a course that's puttin' it mild. And, any time I've tried, got after it, lined up my ducks, I can almost say, categorically, nothing good has ever come of it. But, it just won't go away. Seems like just about anything you wanta do, you gotta do the "paperwork" first. I do believe it's a conspiracy; the devil invented it, then sold it to the government, keep everyone miserable!

I can't tell you the number a times I've seriously considered learnin' to eat roots and berries and disappearin' with the horses; but same one invented paperwork, also invented fences and laws, make that impossible, too.

So, "freedom" is within'! I'll do my best, summon my wits, see if I can't getter done. Upside, if I manage, and maintain a measure of peace, I reckin' that'd be proof positive, not only that Creator exists, but darn well, all powerful and full of mercy!

Anyway, was a fair day; doggone beautiful! Ponies are good, the pups a snoozin' and I'll keep you appraised a developments.

Have a great night!

Best, Always

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Julio Wants to Know

Good Evenin'

And, yes we made 40 degrees by 11 o'clock; blue sky and sunshine, and gentle breezes. And, a course, when the cold gives way, first thing ya wanta do is take a nap.

So, side from some correspondence in the mornin', bustin' ice and fetchin' some more wood, a wee nap we took; celebrate the passing of deep winter. I suppose it is a bit of the wild, like a herd of horses, elk or buffalo, you know you'll get old and one day you'll be the one on the edge, the slow one and that lion'll take you down; that's just the way it is. But, least as far as the horses go, I never see 'em dwellin' upon it, near as I can tell. They're alive, they're fit, they stay together the best that they can; they enjoy what they have, today.

It's a very powerful thing, when ya stop and consider; "One day you weren't, today you are; one day you won't be again. Understand it!", I remember a wise man once sayin'. Same one, seems, one a his favorite words, "celebrate". Go figure.

Have a nice night!

Best, Always

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Ruben In The Afternoon Sun

Good Evenin'

And, even first thing, you could tell the cold had broke; wasn't all that much warmer, mercury wise, we mighta made 32, but the starch was gone. Supposed to hit the forties man~ana.

And, where I wasn't quite so pressed ta get wood, I did get out ta fix the fence in the boys run; thought they was eatin' but turned around and I had company. Fence wasn't too bad, but I'd kept 'em up in the corral for a few days and they was plumb ready, get out and take a walk. Nobody'd wanted to go anywhere, past few; it was sunny, but unfriendly cold with an icey little wind on top.

Anyway, got the fence patched and whacked on an old stump, got enough wood for the night. It was one of those pitchy old stumps, where the chips break off like coal. So, hard as I whacked I didn't get much, but even them little chips'll make a good fire with a few pulpy limbs.

And, I might even venture a toot, man~ana, give the truck a go and say high to the neighbors; found the old bill from the revenue and I still have some time get my paper work in, and I'd hate ta be early at that!

Headin' for beddin'. Have a nice night!


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Keepin' the Spring in My Heart

Good Evenin'

And, one more night, they say, 10 below. It was a beautiful day, but we're still barely makin' the 20 mark. Cross our fingers, supposed, tomorrows the day.

Otherwise, simple enough; should be gettin' after my paperwork, but right now firewood's the priority, and keepin' a good attitude. And, breakin' ice and keepin' an eye, that no one's losin' their balance, get through this stretch a weather.

And, speakin' a which, it was an early mornin' and a long day, so I'm sendin' the cowboy ta bed!

Have a nice night!

Best, Always

Monday, January 14, 2013

What'll It Be

Good Evenin'

And, well, we did break the 20 mark; 21, 19 the high tomorrow. But, I don't believe it'll be as cold as they said; we did have a little cloud cover this evenin', which might keep us from the minus 10 they was pre-dictin'.

Anyway, "tarred" this evenin'; the weekend was pretty much a "go get 'er" and today wasn't much less. And, judgin' from the sore muscles back yonder, I mighta got a little unused to swingin' that axe. But, everybody's fed, watered and warm.

And, I'm considerin' givin' up on facebook, 'cept maybe if I post somethin'; seems there are some don't have any other avenues for their fowl language and bad attitudes. Today someone posted a nice picture and quote of Mother Theresa and someone had to jump in with a string a profanity and racial slurs; Mother Theresa!
Yesterday I woulda blocked one, but it was a friend of a friend and today, I did ex-communicate another. Reminds me a that cute sayin'; "bitterness is like takin' poison and hopin' somebody else dies". I do feel sorry for 'em but, I reckin' there are some things folks gotta figure themselves and I ain't sure if pretendin' it's alright helps.

I got to see a talk today, someone receivin' an award for their efforts toward building a more peaceful world. In their acceptance speech, they said, "the time has come", and, "it's up to each one of us". Both those statements just hit me, incredible true; it's now or never and it's up to us.

Maybe what anyone of us can do is a very small piece of the puzzle, but every time one person, says to themself, "I'm gonna try", the odds change. And that's a fact!

Have a nice night!


Sunday, January 13, 2013

Never Get Tired of the Cliffs

Good Evenin'

So, sorry, some a you left comments yesterday, and I never got back to you. Another frosty mornin', I was concerned about the ponies, than I ran off to restock the wood pile, where I'd got down to my last stick. But, all in all a fair day; still can't seem ta get over the 20 mark, but it could be worse and it was fair sunny.

We're supposed to start warmin' up here, next few days; over forty by mid week.

Did get a minute, visit with an old friend, another fanatical heart soul; always nice ta visit. Hard to explain what we talk about, I suppose you'd say somethin' like, "war stories"; the things ya go through tryin', be true ta your self. We laugh, we cry, we remember "saint so and so", it's always a treat. And, funny, we grew up just some miles apart, but never met each other 'til we get stuck on "the path". And, our individual paths have gone hither and yon, but every few years, we'd cross again, or we'd meet someone knew someone, knew both, phone numbers'd get passed and we'd have another chance ta catch up.

But it sure is magic, the stories get shared and how they move the heart.

And, speakin' a which, as they day went by, ponies and firewood, I'm thinkin' ta see if I couldn't catch, a few more minutes of heart time; 'fore the hour grows late and the fire grows cold.

Have a nice night!

Best, Always

Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Mornin' Snow

Good Evenin'

Long day! 10 below last night and I woke up early, with the mornin' cold on the creep. Give a go at my prayer time and 6 o'clock succumbed to the pups, fussin'with their beds and hintin' how a fire would be most considerate.

Anyway, we gotter goin', got warmed up, fed the ponies, ate some breakfast and headed out for the tradin' post; fair sunny, cold, but sunny, up this way, stormy down toward the divide and the post. Got my groceries, and a gallon a diesel, help with the mornin' fire, and headed on back, with the day turnin' older and colder.

The rest was a dash for hay and water, a snack for the cowboy and some extra firewood from my piles out back. Dark, dark, time I closed the flap. They say, it's like ta be colder tonight; cross my fingers, I got all the critters right. Everybody make it 'til mornin', we'll break out that grain for sure!

And, it's late. Tarred as I was, I made some coffee, I finally got in; snuck another moment a quiet. So, time, I got up, cooked and ate, well jimminy, I better "hang up the phone"!

Have a nice night!

Best, always

Friday, January 11, 2013

Waitin' Out the Storm

Good Evenin'

And, I'd say that about sums up the day. I could hear the cold air comin' in early; real January weather. Cold, blowin' and, time I got up, several inches a new snow.

They said it wouldn't be in 'til mid day. I should a known the weather man was gettin' cocky; "26 degrees by 11 o'clock, then droppin' to 20". The fella must a had a new intern he was tryin' to impress. They're never that accurate and they know it. It came in before sun up and we never made 20 degrees.

Anyway, not all bad; it kinda broke up, afternoon and it was beautiful, with all that fresh snow, smooth and drifted, here and there. And, my wood supply is holdin' up, so me and the pups just hole up.

When we did get out, the pups took a heck of a tear. I think Wedo's beginnin' ta feel at home and fair happy it is.

Otherwise, I woke up with a brand new understandin', though it might be "old hat" to some. But, all my life it seems, whenever I heard about pleasin' Creator, it always made me uncomfortable. Maybe, 'cause a lot a folks don't understand, so whenever they try to explain the concept, all they do is pass on their discomfort and/or lack of understandin'. But this mornin' it hit me, clear as a bell; "It ain't about power and must, or else, it's plain and simple. People that like each other hang out. And, nothin' could be nicer than hangin' with the One."

And, it seems there was a sorta, corollary come with it; "if ya ever did manage to please, it would have ta be a gift". I'm not sure where that one comes from, but somewhere in my bones, maybe; or maybe, it's just a fact of life, but I never met anyone didn't know in their heart of hearts, that "ego stinks".

I suppose this could be my six year old sense a humor, but you'd sure have to like someone a lot, to wanta hang out if they always had "gas"; ya know, always and bad.

So, more serious, now, this is my new lease on life; "yes, I do wanta please, and yes, I do wanta try and yes, I never wanta forget, if I ever manage, it was a gift."

"Like a rose"!

Have a nice night!


Thursday, January 10, 2013

My Own Best Counsel

Good Evenin'

And, not a bad day. Overcast, mostly, but mild; back in the forties.

And, I'm afraid I got kinda side tracked today; got into a bit of a wrestlin' match in my head. Just one a those things, where a friend says somethin' and you wanta believe the best, but it sure sounded like a fabrication, designed to support a very unhealthy point a view. And, accordin' to Chinese Astrology, never figured you'd hear that from me, right, but accordin' to Chinese Astrology, I was born under the sign a "The Dragon". Now, there are different kinds, Earth, Air, Fire and Water and supposed I'm a water dragon, which is the most easy goin', but it is funny, 'cause I can huff and puff and make speeches in my head, when somethin' rubs my sense a right the wrong way.
And this comment my friend had made, kinda did just that and should it be repeated, reflected very poorly on me and my integrity.

Anyway, back and forth, up and down, a round and a round:

"I sure would like ta say somethin'".

"They wouldn't understand and you'd just get caught in their game".

"But I'm right"!

"Ya, maybe".

"But, someone needs to call their stuff"!

"If they're playin' games like that, the odds of them ownin' up to their stuff are slim to none."

"Ya mean I should just let go"?

"Could very well be the best thing".

"Wow, but not the easiest".

" Look at it this way, if you let go and, by the way, get a grip, recoup your calm, relax and get quiet, a) your gonna feel much better, b) you won't waste a whole day fussin' and fumin' and c) you're way more apt to see things clearly. If somethin' really needs to be said, there's always tomorrow. Besides, you have plenty to do and odds are, put your attention on that and you'll get way further, than some lecture to some one, about some thing, you may have misunderstood to begin with".

Anyway, wisdom prevailed; I took some time, let it go and got quiet. Went back to work and felt better. Small victory, but an important one for me. Might be all those super hero, tv shows I watched when I was little; "upholding truth, justice and the American way". I wonder how come they never said things like, "god grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference". I suppose it doesn't "sell".

Have a nice night!


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Funny Eyes

Good Evenin'

And, ya, another peach; 45 degrees and sun-nee! Even made a little headway, on paper work and some hooves, needin' attention.

Stumpy for one, I'd been lettin' his back foot grow out to where we could make a nice clean start and Funny, who's always had bad feet and eye trouble, where she gets very nervous about anyone under foot; let alone someone wantin' ta pick up a foot. The good news, sorta, I think Funny was uncomfortable enough and we have made some efforts, past few years, to where she's got the picture; "he don't hurt me and my feet feel better". So, when she figured I wanted to help, she just eased into the trees, where other horses wouldn't surprise her and pretty much stood there, let me clean her up. I sure was proud a her! It's a fair act of faith, any horse lettin' you work on their feet, them creatures of flight and all, but bad eyes on top, that's pretty large.

Anyway, Stump too, he was real patient, as I had to saw through the worst of it, 'til I could get the nippers in under the part that had folded over.

And, a course the pups got "hoof breath" from chompin' on those wonderful, smelly old pieces of hoof. But, everythin' comes at a price, and sometimes, even good company, has bad breath. Least they're proud of it; whew!

Have a good night!


P.S. That picture of Funny was takin', a year ago, November; 'fore we had snow.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Winter Rose

Good Evenin'

And, another fine day! Got up kinda late, where I was up, the middle a night. Woke up to the sound of a horse poundin' on a froze over water tank. I debated the pros and cons, then figured I'd better make a go; there's a mare, Big Missy, big as she is, she's way timid and sometimes she won't get a drink all day, if the other's are huggin' the tub. And, winter time, it's tricky, with feed and water; easy a horse can colic.

But, gettin' up, middle a night, winter time, it's not casual deal. Lit the fire, got dressed, made it out to the corral and broke the ice for the bunch and the boys. But, time ya get back and warm up, undress and think about goin' ta bed, you're pretty much wide awake. So, I made some warm milk and honey and caught up on some email needed attention. All said and done, it was 1 o'clock when I awoke and 4 by the time I was back in bed.

Seemed like the rest a the day, I was just kinda playin' ketchup. But, I did finally get a good dose a heart time and for that, I can't complain.

Pups are good and the ponies are fed; tomorrow, another day.

Have a nice night!


Monday, January 7, 2013

E'clipse D'eclair

Good Evenin'

And, another fine day; I think we got the january thaw. Hit the 40 again today.

Always, tricky after a quiet weekend, try and get back to work, without losin' all my gains from the quiet. But, simple as it was, I don't think I did too bad. Feedin' ponies, dogs and cowboys, and, deliverin' some supplies I'd promised the neighbors. Just so happened I had a box a e'clairs, too. Well, it was one a those things, where I eat pretty much the same thing everyday, and enjoy it a lot, but I saw this box a e'clairs at the store and though, "ah, why not?". Well, I ate one and found out real quick "why not"; I'm not exactly sure how they manage to pack quite, so much sugar into those things, but I about keeled over and slept for an hour after tryin' one a them. So, I decided they might make a better treat for the neighbors than the cowboy; day's are short enough, this time a year, 'out addin' unnecessary naps. Anyway, they were thrilled and dispatched 'em, post haste.

Then a course, even if it's a quick visit, deliverin' goods, it's only 'bout once a fortnight, we get ta visit, so, we gotta catch up on any recent news, share a cuppa coffee and cuss politicians. Always a good time and I was back with plenty a daylight, feed, water and give the boys a romp. Even made a little loop, out to the woods, bring back some limbs; didn't need 'em bad, but it keeps the pile handsome and gives me and the pups a chance ta stretch the legs.

Anyway, tarred, for all we got done and headin' for bed, give'r a go, man~ana; see if I can't pinch a little heart time, keep the fire burnin' bright.

Have a nice night!


Sunday, January 6, 2013

Not to Mention the Sunset

Good Evenin'

And, another quiet day; seems when ever I can justify a quiet weekend, I sure take advantage. I suppose I had all kinda good excuses this time; the enda huntin' season, first weekend of the new year, the weather easin' up after quite a cold spell and all kinda runnin' around last week, groceries, gas and firewood.

Anyway, I suppose I also got to listen to a whole bunch a new recordings from events, my heart teacher attended over the last year and those always renew my enthusiasm, understand, explore more fully, the gift he gave me, all those years ago. And, I get enthusiastic, I'll make up excuses, if there aren't any handy. It's just so amazin' ta know, there's actually somethin' I can DO, that changes me, forever, for the good.

In one event, he said, "When you came in this world, you cried and everyone laughed. Now, it's time for you to laugh; whether they cry or not, who cares, but at least you can laugh!".

And, it really is like that; when I take the time, go inside and get really quiet, somehow my windows open and my whole house gets filled with some kinda sweet, laughter.

Just havin' tea this mornin' after my mornin' try, then walkin' out in the mornin' sun, the ponies all excited for hay, gramma burro ballin' for woe, it really is amazin', just to be alive; just to be alive!

Have a wonderful night.

Best, always!


Saturday, January 5, 2013

Julio Catchin' Rays

Good Evenin'

And, we did make it over the freeze mark; really quite a beautiful day. The weather folk even "about face", again and we just might make the 40's man~ana.

Otherwise, another simple day; a little correspondence, feedin' ponies, a little firewood, and a wee nap. Day's are still fair short and I believe the cold of the past few weeks, kinda took some a my starch out; soon as it eases up a bit, the eyelids do get heavy.

But, I did notice that we didn't get dark, dark 'till almost 6 o'clock. Took a short hike down to the low gate, check the lock and stretch my legs and pretty much the whole sky was one big rainbow, as it has a habit this time a year. Kinda dusty rose, over to the east, above the divide, then changin' to a deep sky blue, then a pale grey blue, over head, then startin' to take on a hint of gold, as it comes down toward the west, endin' up some other wordly mix of silver orange and red.

Whichy gets all excited, soon as we head for the gate; the rabbits run hither and yon, as we poke down the road and she does her best ta give 'em a scare, makin' sure ta check the two or three culverts, 'tween here and there. Wedo, I don't know if it's the road or the trucks, maybe the depth of the snow, but he just sits down, when we head for the gate, waits for us ta get back, then makes up for the pause, zoomin' around like we're gone for a month, but, my guess, this time next year, he'll be a whole different dog. I think when the snows gone and it's easier get around, his attitude'll loosen up quite some.

Have a nice night,

Best, Always

Friday, January 4, 2013

Who's Zoomin' Who

Good Evenin'

And, another fine one, though not exactly warm; I think we made it up to 25. Supposed to be 10 below, again tonight and, it seems that they changed their mind on that 40 degree weekend. Oh, well, it was sunny and the pump is thawin' durin' the day, so we're fed and watered and spring's a stone throw away; he said confidently.

Anyway, all the runnin' around, late, I ended up doin' little 'cept nappin', feedin' and catchin' up on heart time. See if we can't do a little better, the morrow; add some firewood and paper work, if we're lucky.

And, I'd say Whichy decided on "the option". Yesterday, it seemed she was tryin' to "think" things out; her, me and Wedo. And, I mentioned how she'd either come up with a good story or, just let go and enjoy. Well, it sure seemed, today, that she picked the "let go and enjoy" route. He was on a tear, zoomin' around and he got her zoomin' to. This evenin' she seemed a lot more relaxed.

I suppose she like me; often times I get stuck in my head, tryin' to figure things out. And, often times, life comes along, throws me a curve and once again I'm caught up and livin'; the figurin' left for another day. It's a good thing. Truly, amazin'!

Have a nice night!


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Down Along the Mountain

Good Evenin'

And, another fine one! Cold mornin', but not quite as cold as the one before and, we actually made it up into the thirties.

Got my chores done and the truck fired up, made it over to Nelson's with just a little to spare, so I even had a minute, grab a cup a coffee and brag on my new wool shirt; well, it makes everyone laugh, I get so proud a my simple good fortune, and if everyone gets a laugh, then I'm twice happy.

My ride showed up and we made it to town; pretty as a picture, drivin' down along the mountain. And, with the few dollars I got for Christmas, I managed a 4$ pair a work gloves, a bottle a witch hazel, my favorite after shave, and bought us both a 1$ Green Chile Double Cheeseburger at Micky D's; with just enough left for one chocolate chip cookie, which we split.

And, the best part, side from a nice conversation, we even made it back with daylight to spare; these past few days, soon as the sun dips into the west, the temp, it drops like a rock. Even seems it ain't so bad, once it's dark dark, but right with the change a the light, boy, oh, boy, the cold come on with an attitude.

Anyway, everyone's well; the pups seem quite comfortable, though I believe Whichy's still huntin' a good story, for where and how this Wedo dog, exactly fits in, but I believe that'll all work out. Seems Wedo likes her, I'm way fond, she can't complain too much; she'll either come up with a good one or just let go and enjoy.

Funny, I thought it was just people, always needed an explanation; but now I got a dog lookin'. Who knew?

Have a nice night!


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Comin' Home With Wood

Good Evenin'

Well, it never got too warm, but it was a pretty day; they say it won't be as cold as last night, but ya sure wouldn't know by the way it felt around sundown.

Simple day, pretty much, long as it took ta warm up. Ate some breakfast and cleaned off the truck, got through my cold weather ritual, get'er goin, loaded up a few Christmas presents and headed for the neighbors, clean up their wood pile. Coffee and a chat, loaded wood and headed for home in the settin' sun.

Lucky, I'd give everybody a good drink 'fore I left, where I don't believe our "frost free" was frost free, time I got home, but everyone got a good helpin' a hay, and a couple a handfulls a sweet feed, give their boiler's a bump.

The pups are good and gettin' right casual, look a things; Whichy, more confident, that she's still "the one" and Wedo, more sure, he's part a the bunch. Even them stayin' home and both freaky happy, time I got home, neither one got upset, as I did my best, show each one, I was just as glad ta see them.

And, I guess I'll call'er a night; been a little extra busy with the cold and the firewood, and, I got a ride for groceries man~ana. Try to get some heart time in 'fore I close my eyes and get up early, get a dose, 'fore I head for town; always makes everything, just, a little more fun.

Have a nice night!

Best, Always

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Paradise On The Divide

Good Evenin'

And, we finally seen the sun, again! Only made 24 degrees and we're like ta hit 10 below, t'night, but spring is on the way!

Woke up quite early, where I packed'er in, similar, but we had plenty a wood, and just enough juice in our solar kit ta see us through ta daylight; I'd forgot ta clean off the panels yesterday and with the snow cover and low light, we 'uz runnin' on fumes. And, where we got an early start, the ponies got plenty a feed, see 'em through this cold one; climbin' back to mild, rest a the week. Supposed to get into the 40's by weekend.

And, just ta start the year on an optimistic foot, I penciled out some numbers on a 25 million dollar book deal, just so I'm ready, in case. Not that I'm ambitious, but, the way taxes are and much as it'd cost ta pull it off, if we ended up with a million, it'd sure move our horse rescue/foster home forward.

Anyway, it sure was a pleasant day and pretty as a picture, with the clouds breakin' up and the sun shinnin' through. We got another 3-4 inches a snow over night, and the pups was rompin' and playin' best they could, plowin' snow with their chests and makin' trails, hither and yon.

And, ol' Don the blade man come by just before dark; I'd opened the gate just in case. I heard him comin' up the hill and high tailed it out to the road. Don't know if he seen me or just stopped, 'cause the gate was opened and he does keep an eye out, but he backed'er in right under the barn, and gave us a clean patch a drive, all the way out to the road. Way kind; he'd been at it since 6 this mornin' and hadn't quit, but 3 hours before, after plowin' all day, New Years Eve.

So, as they say, "another day in Paradise"! Everybody fed, wood in the stove and life with which to try. I'm not real big on New Year Resolutions; I've always been one a those people, considered if somethin's important, it shouldn't wait on a new year, but if I were to venture one, I believe it'd be just that. Try, just a little more, trust like never before.

Have a wonderful night!

Best, Always