Friday, January 18, 2013

I'll Bet the Crow Knows

Good Evenin'

And, another peach; up into the forties, blue sky, sunshine and gentle breezes.

And, I suppose I made a little headway; talk to the hayman and my hay partners, fed ponies, broke ice and gathered up some firewood. Now, I do need to get serious about my bookkeepin', figure out how much we got; see if we can't land this load, half, really, save us from the 12$ spring hay.

I suppose it's a little bridge I gotta cross, inside myself; I have never been fond of paperwork! And, a course that's puttin' it mild. And, any time I've tried, got after it, lined up my ducks, I can almost say, categorically, nothing good has ever come of it. But, it just won't go away. Seems like just about anything you wanta do, you gotta do the "paperwork" first. I do believe it's a conspiracy; the devil invented it, then sold it to the government, keep everyone miserable!

I can't tell you the number a times I've seriously considered learnin' to eat roots and berries and disappearin' with the horses; but same one invented paperwork, also invented fences and laws, make that impossible, too.

So, "freedom" is within'! I'll do my best, summon my wits, see if I can't getter done. Upside, if I manage, and maintain a measure of peace, I reckin' that'd be proof positive, not only that Creator exists, but darn well, all powerful and full of mercy!

Anyway, was a fair day; doggone beautiful! Ponies are good, the pups a snoozin' and I'll keep you appraised a developments.

Have a great night!

Best, Always


  1. Doing something you don't like to do is suppose to develop character ... just think of the stories you can tell if you added that onto the character all ready inside of you! Happy Paperworking. If you put it in a pile though, it'll procreate. Mine does that .... and I wonder, "where'd all that come from!?"

    Glad you have warm temperatures and hay business is getting sorted out. Twelve dollars is a hefty price in the Spring ... wow!

    Going into deep cold tonight ... breaking with a high of zero on Wednesday ... Laughing! It'll kill all the germs they tell me ... have to keep my wild critters with a little something extra in their tummies.


  2. Whenever I'd complain about something to my dad, his reply would be, "It's a conspiracy." Did not understand until later, when I developed one of my own. that he had a finely tuned sense of irony. I think that the aversion to paperwork must be why lawyers and accountants are paid so well. We regular folks just don't want to deal.

    @Peaceful- I do think you're right that piles of paper "procreate," though I'm not sure that's an image I'd want to bring up.

    Glad to read you and the ponies are well, Jeune, and that it's warming up a fair bit.

    1. Laughing! :D I have 3 piles of paperwork: 1) Do this now! 2) Do this sort of now, and 3) What the heck is this?
