Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Comin' Home With Wood

Good Evenin'

Well, it never got too warm, but it was a pretty day; they say it won't be as cold as last night, but ya sure wouldn't know by the way it felt around sundown.

Simple day, pretty much, long as it took ta warm up. Ate some breakfast and cleaned off the truck, got through my cold weather ritual, get'er goin, loaded up a few Christmas presents and headed for the neighbors, clean up their wood pile. Coffee and a chat, loaded wood and headed for home in the settin' sun.

Lucky, I'd give everybody a good drink 'fore I left, where I don't believe our "frost free" was frost free, time I got home, but everyone got a good helpin' a hay, and a couple a handfulls a sweet feed, give their boiler's a bump.

The pups are good and gettin' right casual, look a things; Whichy, more confident, that she's still "the one" and Wedo, more sure, he's part a the bunch. Even them stayin' home and both freaky happy, time I got home, neither one got upset, as I did my best, show each one, I was just as glad ta see them.

And, I guess I'll call'er a night; been a little extra busy with the cold and the firewood, and, I got a ride for groceries man~ana. Try to get some heart time in 'fore I close my eyes and get up early, get a dose, 'fore I head for town; always makes everything, just, a little more fun.

Have a nice night!

Best, Always

1 comment:

  1. I like "freaky happy!" No one dances better than happy doggies. Nice to hear about the pups getting along.

    Glad you got more wood ... coffee and a chat. Nothing like the company of good neighbors. Makes you feel like you belong.

    Time to bring in more wood ... we're balmy at 18 degrees though ... Laughing! :D

