Sunday, January 6, 2013

Not to Mention the Sunset

Good Evenin'

And, another quiet day; seems when ever I can justify a quiet weekend, I sure take advantage. I suppose I had all kinda good excuses this time; the enda huntin' season, first weekend of the new year, the weather easin' up after quite a cold spell and all kinda runnin' around last week, groceries, gas and firewood.

Anyway, I suppose I also got to listen to a whole bunch a new recordings from events, my heart teacher attended over the last year and those always renew my enthusiasm, understand, explore more fully, the gift he gave me, all those years ago. And, I get enthusiastic, I'll make up excuses, if there aren't any handy. It's just so amazin' ta know, there's actually somethin' I can DO, that changes me, forever, for the good.

In one event, he said, "When you came in this world, you cried and everyone laughed. Now, it's time for you to laugh; whether they cry or not, who cares, but at least you can laugh!".

And, it really is like that; when I take the time, go inside and get really quiet, somehow my windows open and my whole house gets filled with some kinda sweet, laughter.

Just havin' tea this mornin' after my mornin' try, then walkin' out in the mornin' sun, the ponies all excited for hay, gramma burro ballin' for woe, it really is amazin', just to be alive; just to be alive!

Have a wonderful night.

Best, always!


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful sunset ... love the dancing sky painting.

    The Holidays are so "busy." Some of it glorious, some of it just busy-ness. I've communicated with many people lately who actually feel depressed now that the season is over ... overspent, over-ate, had blowups with family members, neglected their inner world, and all of it brought them no fulfillment, much talk of emptiness. For me, when I'm quiet and go deeper inside, it's only then I'm of any use to the outer world anyway. Holidays can be demanding though.

    Love your Teacher's thoughts and your thought of sweet laughter all around. Smiling.

