Thursday, January 17, 2013

Julio Wants to Know

Good Evenin'

And, yes we made 40 degrees by 11 o'clock; blue sky and sunshine, and gentle breezes. And, a course, when the cold gives way, first thing ya wanta do is take a nap.

So, side from some correspondence in the mornin', bustin' ice and fetchin' some more wood, a wee nap we took; celebrate the passing of deep winter. I suppose it is a bit of the wild, like a herd of horses, elk or buffalo, you know you'll get old and one day you'll be the one on the edge, the slow one and that lion'll take you down; that's just the way it is. But, least as far as the horses go, I never see 'em dwellin' upon it, near as I can tell. They're alive, they're fit, they stay together the best that they can; they enjoy what they have, today.

It's a very powerful thing, when ya stop and consider; "One day you weren't, today you are; one day you won't be again. Understand it!", I remember a wise man once sayin'. Same one, seems, one a his favorite words, "celebrate". Go figure.

Have a nice night!

Best, Always


  1. Carpe Diem, as the Romans used to say, though I think their take on it was a bit less philosophical and a lot more "Party on, dude!"

    Naps are always an excellent choice, though I have to admit, since moving to warmer climes, I've needed them a bit less than when I lived places where it was dark and cold a lot of the time.

    Glad to read the weather is warming up, and that all are well.

    1. Cut to Chase, I can sure see moving to warm weather at a certain age. Falling on the ice gets a little bit "old." Warm ... it just sounds wonderful! :)

  2. Good Morning, Julio!

    That's so true ... in the deep winter, the presence of mortality seems heightened and gives one pause for thought. Animals accept it though like you said ... no anxiety ... it's just going to happen, like birth. There are advantages to not having a large prefrontal cortex. We sure lack their instincts though ... the vision of the eagle, the hearing of the wolf, the power and spirit of the horse, mighty intelligence and gentle elephant, their better understanding of joy ... amazing. :) They know how to treat their Mother Earth too. Odd that. What good is our large brain I wonder sometimes.

    Glad you had some warm weather and a nap ... it's tiring to keep going in the bitter cold. We'll be in the deep freeze through February ... just a fact up here and expected. Almost half over though! Then the miracle dance of Spring.

    Time to go "celebrate" some coffee ... oh yeah!

