Good Evenin'
Well, with all the "hoopla" over the weather, "storms" and such, it was a pleasant day; I think it mighta sprinkled once for about five minutes. I get my weather from NOAA and they use these dark little icons to indicate the weather; shadowy, miserable little pictures of snow and rain. I suppose, no funnier than me believin' them. It was sweetly mild with fair sunshine and big beautiful clouds, sailin' all about.
Otherwise, I suppose, I'm a little on the "tarred" side; the "road less travelled" ain't always easy and often there's no where to look for re-assurance, save the heart and sometimes the fog rolls in. Can't complain, I don't reckin' any roads easy and at least I know where to look; with patience the fog, sooner or later, rolls out. Come to think of it, it mighta been a little foggy, past few days and I coulda been more alert.
So, maybe there's some "homework", and some I know I can; while patience is sure, love is quick, so we'll roll in the sunshine and roll out the fog. Tomorrow's a brand new day!
Have a nice night.
Best, Always
Yesterday, we actually had a fairly beautiful day too ... nothing like 40 degrees, but the sun did come out, and I think it was in the 20's! It felt really warm. Glad the storm didn't get you. I like to click on the noaa map and make the weather "move" to track the storm.
ReplyDelete"Fog" is a good way to describe life in the outback sometimes. I think with me, I forget to have "fun." Work, hauling this, hauling that, staying alive and clean ... sometimes I just go to town and chat with the neighbors or go to the library. Always someone to smile with. I enjoy that break. Playing is serious business! Laughing!
Great day to you!
Those are some clouds! I've heard clouds are really heavy because of the water weight, but most look so lightweight. Those in the photo have some real substance to them.
ReplyDeleteI guess when push comes to shove, the only place to look for comfort is to the internal friend. We all have our shortcomings, and even those with the best intentions fall short from time to time of the expectations laid on them.