Friday, January 11, 2013

Waitin' Out the Storm

Good Evenin'

And, I'd say that about sums up the day. I could hear the cold air comin' in early; real January weather. Cold, blowin' and, time I got up, several inches a new snow.

They said it wouldn't be in 'til mid day. I should a known the weather man was gettin' cocky; "26 degrees by 11 o'clock, then droppin' to 20". The fella must a had a new intern he was tryin' to impress. They're never that accurate and they know it. It came in before sun up and we never made 20 degrees.

Anyway, not all bad; it kinda broke up, afternoon and it was beautiful, with all that fresh snow, smooth and drifted, here and there. And, my wood supply is holdin' up, so me and the pups just hole up.

When we did get out, the pups took a heck of a tear. I think Wedo's beginnin' ta feel at home and fair happy it is.

Otherwise, I woke up with a brand new understandin', though it might be "old hat" to some. But, all my life it seems, whenever I heard about pleasin' Creator, it always made me uncomfortable. Maybe, 'cause a lot a folks don't understand, so whenever they try to explain the concept, all they do is pass on their discomfort and/or lack of understandin'. But this mornin' it hit me, clear as a bell; "It ain't about power and must, or else, it's plain and simple. People that like each other hang out. And, nothin' could be nicer than hangin' with the One."

And, it seems there was a sorta, corollary come with it; "if ya ever did manage to please, it would have ta be a gift". I'm not sure where that one comes from, but somewhere in my bones, maybe; or maybe, it's just a fact of life, but I never met anyone didn't know in their heart of hearts, that "ego stinks".

I suppose this could be my six year old sense a humor, but you'd sure have to like someone a lot, to wanta hang out if they always had "gas"; ya know, always and bad.

So, more serious, now, this is my new lease on life; "yes, I do wanta please, and yes, I do wanta try and yes, I never wanta forget, if I ever manage, it was a gift."

"Like a rose"!

Have a nice night!


1 comment:

  1. Yes ... I can see that. There is no "pleasing," only loving.

