Monday, January 28, 2013

The Wisdom of Winter

Good Evenin'

And, ya, we finally got our blustery day. Rain, snow and hail off and on, with moments of sunshine, here and there; topped out somewhere in the thirties, I reckin', but all in all, not a bad day.

Caught up with some old friends, gathered firewood, wrote a few letters and a course, fed ponies. Winter time's always a little funny that way; somewhere between recoverin' from summer and linin' up for spring, there's always that sense of another year passin', and how to make the next one count. And, older I get, deeper it goes.

I remember a few years back, noticin' that I had ta get more sensible on my plannin'; I'd have a whole bunch lined up, horses and cows or whatever, and time I was done, and winter had come, I'd realize, "wow, that was too much". So, next year I'd set up for a "smaller bite", only to find, another year older, "wow, that was still, too much".

Anymore, I reckin', I just take winter a time to get quiet and rest; try and make room for a gift.

I remember a good old friend once remindin' me, how, when ya wake up and ya think ya got a sore throat, ya might have ta swallow, three'r four times, 'fore your sure. He went on to suppose that life's a little like that; "sometimes, ya gotta try a bunch a stuff, for your sure you're an idiot, then ya learn to ask for help."

He must a been a prophet!

Have a nice night.



  1. Laughing! So that's the answer to my "igit" thing. :D

    Winter does give much time for reflection ... it's a moody season. I think sometimes a partner would be nice, not out of need, but out of a "gift" ... someone who really is a good Friend and not a competitor about who's right or wrong and "my way or the highway" type ... really, who cares about the little details of perceived right and wrong? Nice to have somebody have your back when you live "out." In town, Friends seem to be a little closer ... but in the outback ... it's nice to have another breathing, living, talking soul to smile and laugh with ... even have a little supper with, discuss a book or idea. Maybe the older I get, the more I think it might be possible to be around a like-minded person. I read the following which gave seriousness to the idea, which is not to be entertained lightly:

    "I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel alone."

    Very wise words I believe.

    So, winter waxes and wanes and deep thoughts abound ... so do naps and nice cups of hot chocolate ... the simple pleasures emphasized by the storm outside ... the eye of the storm can be as simple sometimes as a cup of something hot and a plate of something warm to eat, dogs by your feet, and horses fed and watered. Smiling. :)


  2. As the energy wanes with age, so it becomes so much more essential for me to prioritize how I spend it. First, feed the heart. Next, move and get the blood flowing. Then take care of whatever else needs looking after for as long as the energy hold out. And finally, rest. Good life. Beautiful gift.
