Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Keepin' the Spring in My Heart

Good Evenin'

And, one more night, they say, 10 below. It was a beautiful day, but we're still barely makin' the 20 mark. Cross our fingers, supposed, tomorrows the day.

Otherwise, simple enough; should be gettin' after my paperwork, but right now firewood's the priority, and keepin' a good attitude. And, breakin' ice and keepin' an eye, that no one's losin' their balance, get through this stretch a weather.

And, speakin' a which, it was an early mornin' and a long day, so I'm sendin' the cowboy ta bed!

Have a nice night!

Best, Always


  1. Sending warm thoughts your way. Have a good rest cowboy. Here's hoping warmer weather is heading your way..... and soon. And thanks for writing.

  2. January and February can be loooooong ... I sure like the part about keeping your attitude up. I fell in the wood pile the other day, and just smiled as Stella the mountain goat doggie thought we were playing a new game ... Ha! She was so funny, I had to laugh.

    Hope you slept well, and you awoke with a smile on your face and a song in your heart.

