The Adventures of Jeune Hall, Boldly Goin' Where, We Have No Idea, But He's Darn Sure Goin' With Horses!
Monday, December 31, 2012
A Real Winter
Well, fair snowy and cold, most a the day, with the exception of 10-15 minutes, where the sun broke through, kinda. Still snowin' now, but like ta blow out tomorrow, stay cold, but sunny resta the week.
So, by and large, another quiet day. I need ta get after my year end paper work, but I'm thinkin' I need some more light; only got one tiny little light bulb. Better idea, likely, just try to make headway in the mornin' when the risin' sun's lightin' up my "foyer" and by consequence the tent; see if that don't work.
Otherwise, the pups are well, the ponies are fat and the cowboy's headin' for beddin'. I didn't make that load a wood, 'fore the snow come in, but if I turn it early, I should be alright for mornin' and then I can shovel out and make a run.
Happiest New Year to one and all! And, huge thanks for all your encouragement and support, along the way! Have a great night and a wonderful 2013!
Best, Always
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Better Late than Never
And, mild; overcast and mild. Made it into the high 30's.
Short day, though by comparison; I think it was that soft new vest I got for Christmas, there yesterday. As I mentioned, I got half a bath, and put of a fresh long john top, and last night I slept in that new vest. It was a gift from an old friend; she's kinda my "foster" sister and she just has a way a sending things, so sweet and affectionate that it about makes ya dizzy. And, this vest wasn't any different; real soft and warm and she had it all laundered up, where it just smelled wonderful. And, whatever kinda spell she puts on things, well, I just slept, like a good ol' bear. Seems I even had nice dreams, all wrapped up in her sweet remembrance. By the time I propped myself up and spent a little "thank you" time, it was almost ten o'clock; poor ol' ponies were startin' ta worry.
Anyway, short and busy; got wound up with another old friend, been helpin' me with a little presentation we put together on the foster home. Don't know if it'll amount to much, but him too, a "good" old friend and whatever happens, we sure had fun, gettin' it done.
Anyway, end a the day, everybody got fed fair well; cowboy and pups ta boot. Now, we'll just hope the snow "keeps up", where I liked ta get that load a wood, for it begins "ta come down".
Have a nice night!
Best, always
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Nothin' Like Sun On the Nose
Well, sunny and 30 some degrees; wasn't 30 much, but I do believe we inched over the freeze mark. And, that might not sound too special, but it sure felt good and just warm enough, I broke out the horse clippers and mowed my face, give my top half a good scrub and broke out a clean top and shirt; try the lower half man~ana, if it's half fair.
And, a few more Christmas presents, trickled in; one I gotta go pick up at the cook shack and one come with the mail. Sure is humblin', get so many presents, when I got so little give back; but I guess that's part a gettin' on. Just gotta say "thanks" and enjoy, trust that ol' notion that givin' is a gift, all it's own; some wiser'n me, were clear enough, made a point ta pass it on.
And, doggone if the pups didn't make a romp today and make it through the whole affair, out anyone goin' too far, too fast; nary a knicker twisted. That Wedo dog sure can fly, when he gets a notion and Whichy, who used ta be the same, did tucker out. But, she got her revenge, just 'fore dark when I figured ta stretch my legs and Wedo took the option, stay home and howl for lonesome, as we poke down to the low gate, come up the cross road and back through the woods. He's a funny boy and she loves the snow; not to mention, her knowin' the land and lovin' a good toot. She might not be as fast as she was, but I don't think anyone can cover ground, as long or sure.
Anyway, a real fair day and cold as it looked ta get, again tonight, all the ponies got a handful of our "pre-me-yum" Christmas feed; give their boilers a bump.
And, I reckin' we're heddin' for beddin'.
Have a nice night!
Friday, December 28, 2012
A Simple Winter Day
And, another cool one with snow flurries and sun off and on.
Simple day, checkin' with the partners comin' in for their hunt; gates and road conditions. Upside, we got a bag a grain for Christmas; Ranchway, Showflake 12, "pree-me-yum"! I don't feed much, but January, we stay down below zero some, I do give 'em a handful or two end of the day. And, I give Big a little extra, help him keep his attitude and weight up, and I sneak in some red chili and yucca, help with his feet.
Otherwise got the last of the wood in and the truck cleaned out, so I can go get another; hope that my u-joints hold up. Get to deliver a few Christmas presents and see my Goatherd Family's new dog; saw his picture on facebook, but "ain't nothin' like the real thang" as the old song goes.
Wedo and Whichy, doin' quite well; I wouldn't say we're "best friends", but there does seem to be some acceptance, and a little less uncertainty. But, boy, if I thought Stinko was a "sheepish cowdog", this ones got it every which way. I think that happens though, cow dogs are bred for certain qualities and instincts, which most folks don't appreciate and understand. So, the dogs often get criticized for their inbred behavior; creates a lot of doubt in a dog. But, so far we're alive and well and gettin' better, day by day.
Have a wonderful evenin'!
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Well, another cold snowy day, though the sun did peek through, here and there. Then, a course, it cleared up just about sunset and the temp dropped like a rock; full moon ta boot. Like ta see the minusees tonight.
And, things might not be movin' along, quite as quick as I hoped; Whichy and Wedo. He was gettin' a little rambunctious today and they got into a bit of a tiff. It passed, no "big" deal, but it did make me think about our "stories". For her, likely quite hard, all she's lived with me and the Stink dog, out here, middle a nowhere, then to lose him and have ta share me. And, for Wedo, to have grown up in a back yard, in a much warmer clime, with one family, then to find himself here, with everything much larger, some scary and much colder. Well, you sure could see how they'd both be concerned and worried about changes and exactly how and where they fit. And, on top of all that, them havin' different bloodlines and nature; her, half sled dog and him, a light bone desert/cow dog.
But then there's time and little by little we'll all make our own "story" together. I guess that happens when you get older; you realize there will always be mis-understandings, but patience, time and together make them smaller and ya start ta see the good. Really makes me consider what an amazin' dog/character/soul, Stinko was. I mean, on one hand, you could not imagine what a thick headed, self-centered and plumb disgustin', dog Stinko was. But, he was always in a good mood and, far as I know, he never held a grudge; all the times I lost my temper and chased him around the tent, next day, no worries, not a hint. I strongly suspect he was an angel, sent to teach me a lesson, or ten.
Anyway, patience, love and reality; ladies and gentlemen, we are all we have and we might as well make it good!
Have a nice night!
P.S. Old Dave Saunders Agrees:
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
The Wedo Whelp
Well, another fair day; some clouds and cool, but all in all, not too bad.
Paid some bills and got a few more holiday phone calls. Got the last of the wood outta the truck and hopeful, tomorrow, make a run for more, though I'm still waitin' on the truck depot, change out my u-joints. Also, got a call from the hayman, and looks like, I can raise some dough, I might can get another half a load, end a January and that'd sure help a bunch! Just, maybe, avoid the "spring crunch" when the prices go through the roof.
Otherwise, the days are short and just about the time, I covered the basics, it's time for the last round 'fore dark. But, I can't complain, we're on our way ta spring and truthful the winter's been merciful mild, by comparison.
The pups are good; both relaxin' a little bit, day by day. Whichy figurin' "he ain't all bad", and Wedo considerin', seems, that we're kinda fun, his beds fair warm and the groceries could be way worse. They even got ta playin' some this mornin', though Whichy's not entirely sure a lady of her stature should be consortin' with a young whelp, but another day or two, I figure the ice'll be off the pond and the fun'll prevail. They're already gettin', just a little more casual, 'bout who sleeps where and how close is too close.
So, with that, I'm gonna see if I can't catch a little heart time, 'fore we call it a day.
Have a nice night!
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
To Be, Or Not To Bang
And, a peach of a day! Couple a inches a fresh snow, fairly cool, but otherwise, fair and sunny.
And, I'd say, by and large, a day of holiday greetings; email and phone calls, family and friends. I did succumb to a nap, mid afternoon, and, manage a little extra heart time 'fore dinner, but, holidays, it just gets so quiet out here, and special with the new snow, that it's kinda mesmerizin'. Sometimes it occurs to me, that some might think "peace must be boring". But, I've thought some about that, over the years, and, encouragement from an elder, come to understand that peace is magical stuff. Maybe, like water for seed, only, stead of regular seed, it quenches the heart, and like a seed, it begins to germinate. So, what might seem "boring", at the outset, turns out to be very excitin' at the "inset".
I remember that same elder comparin' it to swimmin' in clear water. Ya might figure to jump in a look at the rocks and plants and fish. But, if ya jump in, yer apt ta kick up some sand. Without understandin' ya might give up. But, with a little understandin' ya stay, little by little, the sand'll settle and all of a sudden, a whole world'll open up, right before yer eyes.
So similar, the world of peace, seems ta me; a little understandin', ya stay a while and a whole new world can open up, just when ya thought ya'd seen it all.
I suppose it's kinda the "un" big bang theory.
Have a nice night!
Monday, December 24, 2012
Rusty, The Astral Projectin' Horse
And, a snowy one. Really needed to get to the tradin' post, but low on fuel, my u-joints "just barely" and weather comin' in, I was about to call it off and make do with what we had. But, that wasn't much and the sun popped out, so with just a little scramble, and crossed fingers and I did head out. The pups even co-operated mostly; though I did make a run up the driveway, actin' like an angry bear, for Wedo was sure, he was supposed ta stay.
And, musta been the Christmas Grace, 'cause both fuel and u-joints held up and we made it home with a fresh bag a dogfood, a full tank a gas, rice, beans, bread and milk; most thanks to generous friends.
And, the funniest thing happened, this mornin'. I kinda keep the ponies divided up, where the bunch has got the south pasture and access to the corrall. The burros have the east corner of the south pasture and access to the barn. The mustang boys have the east side a the barn, two corralls and a run on the very east edge of the south pasture. This gives the burros some grazin' and a "comfort zone", where the bunch won't run 'em off and, their patch is kind of a buffer zone, keep the bunch and the boys from gettin' tangled up.
Anyway, I was out feedin' early and I noticed Rusty, over in the burro patch. Lucky the boys were still in from the night. I lowered the gate and made a way where Rusty could slip back in and buttoned it up for the girls had a chance to slip out. I fed everyone, then took a walk, all around the fence, separates the bunch from the burros, and, I couldn't find a hole or a track anywhere. So, I come to the conclusion, that Rusty musta just plain woke up over there.
I noticed, ever since he come back from Rowe Mesa, his mind's been a little different; every now and then he'll take off a runnin' and whinnyin' like there's a rogue bunch a horses hidin' in the woods and fixin' to run off with the mares. The other horses, generally try and ignore these episodes, except for Tubby, who, now and then, gets fed up and runs him off, 'til he comes back to his senses.
So, way I figure it, Rusty got into some Loco weed over there in Glorietta and loosened some gears in his brain. And, last night he musta been dreamin' and dreamnt himself into the burro pen. It's the only reasonable explanation; in a New Mexico kinda way. This also explains why, now I remember Rusty's face when he come back in the gate, he had, "don't ask", written, plain as day, from the tippa his nose to the tippa his ears; eyeball to eyeball!
Have a nice night and a very, merry Christmas!
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Wedo (n't do too much just yet!)
And, another nice day; sunshine blue skies and 45 degrees.
Likely spent most a the day, with holiday greetin's, feedin' ponies and tryin' to get the last of my firewood outta the truck; I was gonna try and get another load, 'fore we got any more weather, but it didn't quite happen. It got late and I realized I was a little low on fuel. So, I'll try and make the tradin' post, man~ana; I'm kinda low on provisions as well. But, I been hopin' the boys at the truck depot'd get after my u-joints, where they've been sore neglected and are fixin' ta give up the ghost. We'll cross our fingers, try one more run.
Then, a course, we're still sortin' out "doggy dilemma's"; who wants ta go, who wants to stay, who rides in the truck, who wants the back and who'll stay home if I say. So, far, no clear resolution to any of the above. We finally give it all up and went for a hike, which just turned into more "doggie dilemmas", where the Wedo dog ain't, quite ready venture too far from home. We tried a few different directions, but 100 yards was about the limit.
Anyway, I suppose we had a few good laughs, we did get a little exercise and most a the wood outta the truck. That's just the way it goes out here; some days nothin' goes much a anywhere. But, ya do what ya can, keep yer eye on the ball, than all of a day, everything falls into place and a whole bunch a things get done at once.
Some say life's a beach. I say life's a school. I keep learnin' the same things over and over; patience, persistence and a steady heart, gets it done, sooner or late and makes for a most pleasant ride.
Have a wonderful night!
Saturday, December 22, 2012
The Picture Puzzle
And, another fair day! Some high clouds, but fair sunny and almost 45 degrees.
And, the pups are settlin' in! They was up early cussin' coyotes, side by side. I think I got a bead on parta the problem, where, it seems, Wedo might have some eye trouble. I noticed right off, he'd bump into my hand a few times, when he first come in and I offered him some biscuits, but didn't want to jump to conclusions. And, he seems to do alright daylight, but low light, evenin's, I can see him guessin' on things and he does have a milky quality to his eyes. I think that might explain a little of his passive/aggressive behavior as well.
Anyway, as I was tellin' a friend, he, no doubt, has gifts, for me and The Princess, that time'll likely reveal. And, yes, he is kinda cute; all bird-boned, wobbly legged and crooked eared. But, no wonder he snapped; a) he likely couldn't appreciate the size a the bed and b) hutzpah mighta crowded him some and he wasn't able ta get the appropriate visuals to respond more comfortable.
Anyway, we're settlin' in and Whichy's bein' her patient and thoughtful self.
Life is never dull.
Have a wonderful night!
Friday, December 21, 2012
Sortin' It Out
Well, a beautiful day! Blue sky, sunshine and just about 45 degrees.
Woke up late, after our solstice festivities, but managed to catch up pretty fair and get another book in the mail; Wedo's early childhood mom ordered one for Christmas. And, got a note from another friend, lives in London on a houseboat; she received our first "international priority" envelope, in tact, from the sound and "we're a hit on the Thames!", he said with a smile, quite aware of her extremely generous heart.
Anyway, otherwise, mindin' the dogs and watchin' for rubs. Everythin' went pretty smooth, with the exception of a minor dust up, when Wedo decided to stretch out full length on the dog bed after lunch and Hutzpah couldn't find an inch. She's been fair accomodatin', near as I can tell, but I reckin' he's a little stressed with all the changes he's put up with, past few weeks and well, stuff happens.
Best I could figure was just to rub on her, remind her I care and ignore the youngster a bit; make her feel comfortable another spot on the floor. Seems to have worked, where, after a while, he quietly curled up and left more than half of the bed unoccupied. She watched for a while, then accepted the offer. She's a very smart girl and awful good natured. The Wedo dog, I figure with time he'll relax. There were some fair minutes of romp and play, as I went about feedin' the critters, so, I remain hopeful; I love the pups, but we got a whole operation ta run and we can't, necessary, afford anyone of us, get so important everybody else ends up payin' a price.
Anyway, time for bed! Have a nice night and we'll keep you appraised a de-velopments.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
The Long and Windin' Road
And, a pretty day; no wind and sun-shine! Only made thirty degrees, but after last night it felt like summer!
And, the Wedo Dog, made the last leg of his journey, Tularosa to Lindrith; actually Grateful, a suburb of Lindrith. Three different rides, with shopping in the middle! The boys racked out in the corner; puppy treats, care of a fan from the north, one scoop a kibble and, a course, everybody gets a few tablespoons of rice and beans.
Run off with the last few watts a daylight, meet my goatherd friend at the firestation and received the pup. Can't really tell what the boy looks like yet, where we don't have but one tiny lightbulb, but he's smaller than what I figured. And, somehow that's perfect; both, me and Hutzpah, gotta make room for someone different and unique, no matter how much we tried, or figured, find another Stinko. "Ain't no hidin' place, from the Father of Creation!"; seems Creator loves the curve ball, where it always keeps us a little off balance and knowin', "ya, I'm like ta need a little help!".
Anyway, so far, so good; one wee little snap from the boy, likely Hutzpah, testin' the water, see if he'd roll over, but that's healthy. And, I'm ready for bed, myself; option the pups already embraced and we'll see how we all make out, in the bright, cold, but bright, light a day.
Have a nice night!
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Well, started out snowin' and blowin' and finally quit snowin' but the blowin' kept right up 'til dark. And, mercy at that, where we'll likely see ten below, re-gardless.
And, more co-respondence, I suppose; email and snail. Checked with all parties on the Wedo transfer; the storm has added some variables, so any prayers and good wishes, for Wedo's steady head and heart, aren't like ta hurt a bit. The boy's just gettin' used to his foster home, he's gettin' picked up by my goatherd friend, whom he's never met and, with the weather, she's apt ta stay over at her son's house in Bernalillo, 'fore she heads back. So, a lot a changes for the boy, and, 'cordin to his foster mom, "he a sensitive boy, but not necessary the brightest"; which would mean I did a fair job a findin' another, quite like Stink, but, I do got my fingers crossed, he can take in all in stride. Upside, Diane, my goatherd friend, she's a first class Mom of every stripe and hopeful, Wedo'll figure it right and follow her lead.
Fed the ponies some extra, keep their "furnae" goin' through the night; hard ta believe they can make it, nights like this, but I'm told it's the "body mass" makes the difference. Still, I do say a prayer and "try an up early", break ice for water, get hay on the ground.
And, speakin' of co-respondance, I'm like ta packer in, so I'm up for the dawn.
Horse Spirits
I live in a tent in the woods;
It's my affection,
Be close the Horse Spirits.
20 below,
I cower by my wood stove,
Nurse hot bowls of beans and rice.
They stand watch in the woods,
Alone with their breath, each other
And the night.
But early,
With hoof beats,
Crunch of snow,
Naught, but morning star,
I wake to the thrill of their coming.
Get up, get up!
Make welcome the Spirits!
Wade into the dawn,
And hot butter rum of them selves!
Have a wonderful night!
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
And, another nice, mild winter day! Almost felt like spring and, here's a good one for ya, though, I'm not exactly sure how it works, but it has something to do with bein' able to tell the weather, 'fore ya get outta bed, by the sound of the voice of a crow. And, as I said, I'm not at all sure how it works, but it could be the temperature of the air, maybe the amount of humidity in the air, maybe just the sound, but I heard the crows playin' this mornin' as I woke up, talkin' back and forth and I knew exactly, what kind a mornin' it was! And, sure enough, time I got up, got the fire goin', got dressed, had some tea and headed out the door, that's exactly the kinda day it was; and remember, no windows.
A course, it could be I'm just losin' my marbles, but I do remember hearin' that crow and thinkin', "oh, a course, it's a day, just like that!".
There's an old fella lives across the way and, I don't reckin' he'd mind me tellin' this story, ya know, education and all, but, a few years back he retired; he'd been a brand inspector for the livestock board, mosta his life, after he quit cowboyin'. Anyway, he was gettin' on and he has about a hundred acres, so his wife got him a four wheeler, help him get around, fix fence, etc. Well, he'd never been terrible, mechanic and he was comin' back from fixin' fence one day, across the field and a jackalope popped up in front, and, him bein' a wise guy and proud a his new "horse", he figured he'd give it a race.
Well, about twenty five thousand dollars later, him bein' medi-vacced down to Albuquerque, for various, broken bones, con-tusions and near life threatenin' shock, I was talkin' to him at the cook shack one mornin' and the topic did come up; just maybe, if he ever got on that thing again, tyin' a bag a marbles on the handlebar, wouldn't be a bad idea. That way, he could always count 'em 'fore he fired it up, just to make sure, they were all there!
So, there's the news from Lindrith and now you know which way the crow sighs. Have a nice night!
P.S. Temps supposed ta drop about thirty degrees; cold air comin' in on high winds. So, our spring, is like ta be short lived.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Life and Stuff
Well, quite a nice day; blue sky and sunshine, even if we only made 30 some degrees.
And, fair busy; linin' up the Wedo ride, mailin' some books and letters, feedin', sortin' more paper work and linin' up a little work on the ranch truck.
And, a course, background prayers and aspiration, stick with the meanin' a things; so easy get busy with the details, but I hate ta see a day go by, out feelin' somehow, there was some kinda contact, with my heart and what it means to be alive.
And, just a moment with the ponies, just a 'fore dark. Fed the bunch and I could tell they was hungry, so, I hung around, watch 'em eat, addin' a little here and there, see that they all finished, 'bout the same time and just as the dark was dark. Pretty simple, but, even a moment, simple as it was, it's just another moment in time, together, appreciatin' the fact; we're alive, together, and well. And, that's plumb amazin'; all by itself.
Have a nice night!
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Shelter from The Storm
Well, not a lot more snow, but, aside from a few minutes a sun this mornin', still pretty well socked in; though I think it cleared off around dark. Give everybody an extra half a flake, where it's like ta get down toward zero tonight.
Otherwise, holiday greetin's and thank you notes; so many folks put a little somethin' in the mail for the ponies. And, case I missed anyone, huge thanks; we've had some doctor bills, hay prices are stiff and every penny helps a bunch.
There's an old song I often remember, when I'm feelin' particular, overwhelmed by kindness, and I don't even know the name, or if I got the words right, but, seems it had somethin' to do with livin' in the "shelter of the Lord"; old rock song. And, seems, I been feelin' that a lot recent; special, mornin' prayer time. I think back over my life, maybe tryin' to come up with some "conclusion", as to "how I did", only to get completely lost in the math. And, only, to become more and more clear, "I have no idea!". The upside is, whatever little I've understood, mercy and kindness are real. And, seems, whenever I'm willin' to admit, "I have no idea", no excuses and no justification, nor any idea, even if they'd be appropriate, there's just this feelin' of shelter, comes over; no reason.
Maybe, it's somethin' like the "middle path"; I can get all pumped up about the "good" I did, or all bummed out by all the "wrong" I did, or "take the fifth" and admit, I don't even know, truly, which was which, and I just want that mercy, that kindness, allows me to let it all go, and simply try again, today.
I just remember, that song had a very sweet melody and maybe, that reminds me as much as the words, 'cause when I feel that "shelter" in my life, that freedom from "the good and the bad", yesterday, life truly takes on that quality, just like, a sweet, sweet melody and I am free, to simply try again, today. And, I don't know if I could ever express, how wonderful that is.
Have a nice night!
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Snow Daze
Well, another snowy, socked in day, but, all in all, mild and pleasant.
Few phone calls in the mornin', now that the doctor thing is outta the way, or at least, mostly for now; puttin' out feelers, get the Wedo dog up to Lindrith. And, so far, looks like we might have a plan shapin' up for Thursday. Checked in with his foster mom and, he's fairly comfortable and Thursday seems like it'd work for her. Other end, my neighbors gotta deliver one of the "woofer" kids to the airport and that wouldn't be too far from Belen; see what happens.
Otherwise, another quiet day; aside from a trip down to the low gate, let in an oilfield fella, had the wrong combination, feedin' and a wee walk in the woods, about dark, just food, heart time and an afternoon nap. First few snow days, always seem like that; ain't too much anyone can do, and with the fire goin' and the world all cloudy and grey, well, I suppose it's natural as hi-bernatin' for a bear. See if I can't at least catch up on some paperwork tomorrow.
And, all kinda little gifts and holiday wishes, showin' up in the mail and that's inspiration, all by itself. So many folks seem to care about me and the horses, just gives me that extra incentive, see if I can't, actual, turn the handle on this rescue/foster home, make it work. Make it nice.
Have a nice night!
Friday, December 14, 2012
Headlight and Youngster, Again!
Well, it was a blustery, cold, snowy day here and I didn't do much but rest and recover from my trip to T.A., so I think, in view of events in Connecticut, I'll just wish everyone a good night and take some extra quiet time; consider, just a little deeper, what I can do, in my life, make a little difference.
Wise man once said, "it's not one big thing'll make all the difference, but a lot a little things all put together."
Brian Neubert, horseman
Best, always
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Shelter of "The Light"
And, another fine day! Out and about, doctor's appointment in Tierra Amarilla, so I don't exactly know how warm it was, but it musta been a good 50 degrees, blue sky and sunshine.
My friends, bless their hearts, gave me a lift, and we made it, just five minutes late, but, as usual, the doc was 45 late, so, side from makin' my friends wait a little, not too bad. They did have a couple a errands to run and I give 'em some dough, for coffee and pastry, so, near as I can tell, a good time was had by all!
It's just 50 miles, here to there, and all dirt road, but over that side a the county,it's a whole, another world; almost like america. And, I guess there's rich folks movin' in, cause, somehow or other, midst of this little run down town, all 200 year old adobe houses, a real coffee house has managed to take root. And, my friends liked it so much, they took me by, after the appointment, so I could get a coffee and pastry, too. Pretty slick, very rustic, but coffee and pastry, both quite good! Even got treated to a little spontaneous jam session; Dave Hammond, a New York city jazz guitarist and Paul "Dunno", who stood in on, homemade, one string bass, with a trash can for a sound box; I think Paul mighta owned the place, but man he was good!
Then, a course, highlight of the day, we got to stop at the Wild Horse Sanctuary, drop off a Christmas candy bar for Sandi and see the "light"; Headlight that is, our rodeo rescue, world famous buckin' horse, that was loosin' his buck and needed a home. I sure love the boy! And, so do the youngsters! Ever since he come in, one colt after another has buddied up, shelter his big ol' heart, learn the ropes and take some courage, get 'em on their way. And, sure enough, found him today, on a stroll down to the pond, little paint colt taggin' along. How come horses are so sweet, by and large, and us, so called "humans" can be so....?!?!
Anyway, sure was fine, see the man and his new sidekick; just makes me so proud, know the ol' boy!
And, I guess that were about it; made it home with just enough day light, feed the bunch, fill up water and start a fire; beans and rice and doggy biscuits.
More, man~ana; sweet dreams and happy risin'.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
What's Under the Tree
Well, a fair day! Few high clouds, here and there, but mild, quiet and almost 50 degrees.
Wish I was spendin' more time with the ponies, where the weather has been so nice, but with this medical stuff, seems I'm always linin' up for the next step and just coverin' the basics; food, water and firewood. "Trust, Amigo"; I remember a good friends, farewell. Everything in it's own time.
Otterwisw, headin' for Tierra Amarilla, man~ana en la man~ana, (tomorrow mornin'), get a physical from the nurse/practioner, get the green light, hopeful, for the eye surgery and see if she as tips for reducin' the impact; I like the fact she's an NP, where the docs can be kinda stuffy and tend to go by the book, the NP's have been in the trenches and tend know how things "really work".
Anyway, I had planned to take the ranch truck, but figured I'd give it a look over and found my u-joints, hangin' by a thread. So, friends to the rescue, my goatherd friends from across the valley said they'd give me a ride; a huge plus, where gas for their Honda's about a fifth what it'd be for my truck; heck, I can buy'em lunch and still come out ahead.
The weekend supposed to be stormy, but clearin' up first a the week, so, god willin', we'll find a way get the Wedo dog home and that'll be an adventure; sure hope the princess likes him much as I already do. I reckin' he's our Christmas present, even if it's us waitin' under the tree.
Have a nice night!
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Well, another peach; mid 30's, blue sky and sunshine! And, the low's are comin' back toward ten; a little further from the "minusses", which don't leave quite such a mark.
Got everyone fed, checked in on the Wedo dog and my friend Ms. Susan, hostin' the boy, got a Christmas package full a goodies from the post lady, and headed out for my neighbors, clean up their pile a wood chips. Hard to believe they actually appreciate me haulin' 'em off, but it is possible they just say that, make me feel good.
Anyway, dropped off three more books for the holidays and came home to hungry ponies and, yes, Gramma, singin' her song of woe!
No wonder ol' stumpy kinda slinks around; a wife like that, who definitely knows her mind and never heard of a whisper, well, it'd be bound ta make a fella humble, or somethin'.
And, headin' for beddin'; gorgeous day, a little bit a progress, and the fires burnin' low.
Have a nice night!
Monday, December 10, 2012
Fixin' ta Yawn
Well, 5 below, early this mornin', but we made it most a the way to 30, by afternoon. Suppose to warm right up again by midweek; 50 the high, 20 the low.
Otherwise, I lay low, myself; heart teacher's birthday and I kinda went outta my way, be still and remember. Sweet day, certain, even if I did have to make a call or two, straighten out the surgery deal. Put it off a month, give me time, find some help and get a physical; make sure I'm good to go. This week a fair reminder, winter's no joke up here.
Ponies all fed, with an extra half helpin', likely hit zero tonight, but then, again, I'm always good for a reason, spoil 'em just a little. They did clean up good though and I'll cut back soon as we warm.
And, I'm headin' for beddin', while the fire is warm. It's, general 4 a.m., or so when the mercury drops and then it's time for a fire, so early's the time for bed.
Have a nice night!
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Northwest Winds
Well, not a lot a snow, but wind and cold; checked the thermometer just 'fore dark, and we only had 25 degrees, 'out includin' windchill.
Not a bad day, though, a little correspondence in the mornin', bundled up and fed the ponies, ate some breakfast and went back ta work on some writin', where there, really wasn't a whole lot I could do outside.
I did make myself take a poke over the hill, 'fore dark, get my blood pumpin' and it was beautiful, the gold, brown and green now broke up with white; evenin' sun, comin' in low, lendin' a hand to the gold. But, that icey old wind didn't encourage much pausin', chillin' right through my jacket; any enjoyment, a bird on the wing.
Give the boys a romp on the run, for a threw the last flake and topped off their water. They give it three or four go round, 'fore they too, decided a wind break and hay, sounded just right.
So, I'm in early, the fires a glowin', and I'm like ta call it a day. The whole bunch'll be up early, lookin' for fuel in the furnace.
Have a nice night!
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Peach of a day; but I worked myself "tarred". Don't figure I'm good for a whole paragraph, so, I'll just wish ya g'night and try again, man~ana
Friday, December 7, 2012
Daisy's Song
And, another fair day! Bottom supposed to fall out this weekend and we only made 50 this afternoon, the evenin' comin' on cool. I believe tomorrow's like to be a firewood and fix the barn roof day. Just a chance a precip, but with the price a hay, we better patcher up, keep what we have dry as can be.
Otherwise, another up and down day. Went to sleep last night on half a peanut butter sandwish and a cup of milk; after the run to albuquerque, startin' at four a.m., time I got home fed and unpacked a few groceries, way too tired to cook. So, predictable, I woke up at two, again, spent some heart time and started my day at four, with a nap or two make up the difference. And, the problem is the horses know I'm up and start suggestin' flakes a hay; gramma daisy none the least, boy that girl can sing! Time the day is done I fed way more than budget.
Anyway, ate good this evenin' and hopeful sleep on 'til sunrise, get things back on track. Early, when all's quiet, if I'm quiet, the horses minds stays on the sun; soakin' up every ray, as it inches over the hills to the east. We don't start feedin' 'til eight, I can stretch one bale, all the way 'til dark and that's our best chance, make it to spring.
One a these days I'll have my phone with me and record gramma's mornin' aria; maybe I can use it for a ringtone.
Have a nice night!
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Albuquerque and Back
Started out a pretty fair day, if on the chilly side, but by the time we were headin' back to Cuba, in was fair overcast.
Another one a those days, I coulda paid more attention, but where I'm not used to company, I reckin' I was fair distracted; ridin' along, talkin' about this and that. Anyway, we made it to Albuquerque, good shape; just about the stroke of 10. So, I had time to walk over to KUNM, the public radio station and drop off two cd's that my friend Geoff, from "down unda" had sent me, see if it might get some "air".
Made it back to the hospital, 10:50, even with a small detour, get a wee chocolate milk, wash down my granola bar breakfast and a brief pause at the bus stop, rest my bones, catch my breath and say good mornin' to Dave, a Navajo fella from Gallup.
Ride home was similar smooth, with a stop in Cuba for groceries, then back to Regina, back in my truck, and home to the ponies, my pup and Lindrith.
And, now off to bed. I'll remember more tomorrow.
Have a nice night!
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Ready to Ride
And, ya, another peach! A few high clouds, but mostly, just a pretty day.
Got my Christmas books in the mail and the one for my friend, did all her "shopping" at Grateful Herd Mgmt.; international priority to London, England. (Now it's an international best seller; well, my best seller anyway.)
And, got my Christmas bath early, where I got my pre-op exam, tomorrow; top to bottom, clean cloths and socks. Jimminy, I might even have ta take two this month, with the surgery in two weeks! But, god willin', we'll survive; warm as it's been, I suppose it ain't entirely unreasonable. And, if the mild weather holds, I can likely get some more cloths clean, 'fore the last batch freezes in the bucket.
Made a point, get my prayer time in this afternoon, so's I can hit the rack early; get my chores done, the ponies tucked in for the day, eat dress and pack what I'll need, I'm like to get up around four. I do love my quiet life, but even goin' to town, has it's lessons and reminders; inspiration of it's own sort, I suppose. But, thank goodness, it's only two or three times a year.
Hope y'all are happy and well; I'll keep you appraised a developments.
P.S. Checked on the Wedo dog; alive and well, though he did lose his "house privileges", for the summer porch which has easier access to the outdoors. I checked to see if he was a burden and I should pick him up this trip, difficult as that woulda been, but it seems, all is well and next visit is fine. Hope my friend don't get attached; he does have some shoes to fill up here!
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
End of the Day
Well, another fair day! Possible I don't remember as much as I should, but I guess I was fair busy. Got an order for five books, I started mailin', had to check up on the Wedo dog, keep everybody fed and get ready for some folks, came by see the bunch.
And, I did shore up my ride to town, for my pre-op on thursday. Turns out I got a ride, straight down and back with a friend had to go right there, same time, same day; what are the odds a that? They even needed to stop at the grocery, which I could stand, just fine.
Only thing I missed was my second round a prayer/visit time, but I'll try again, 'fore I lay down; love affair with the stillness. So simple but "end a the day", it somehow gives meaning to it all.
Have a nice night.
Monday, December 3, 2012
I Be Your Water
Well, fair cloudy today; no moisture but mild.
And, I reckin' most of the day, got took up, mailin' out books, with a run early, catch the "dump" truck and the post office, buy stamps.
Otherwise, pretty quiet. Did find a ride to the hospital, thursday, with a friend a mine from Gallina. Good old friend; I used to trim her mules, 'til my shoulder give out. Her husband passed away last spring and she has to go to the hospital, too, pick up his ashes from the research facility, where he'd left his remains.
And, I'll include a song here at the bottom. Another friend a mine sent this to me this mornin', not knowin' that my friend Sandi, from the wild horse sanctuary, had lost one a her dear stallions, this past weekend to poachers. I posted it on facebook for her, where I couldn't even call, once I'd heard. Just one a those things; too hot to handle. I just had to let it go, flat, and "be still".
Have a nice evenin'.
Best, always
Sunday, December 2, 2012
A Simple Day
Well, another fine day! A little breezy, where some cool air, seemed ta be movin' through, but once again, fair pleasant.
Checked in on Wedo, early, and he seems ta be doin' just fine, even if he lost his "sofa birth" to my friend's dogs, but, last account, he was sleepon' happy "behind" the sofa.
Otherwise, a simple day, with a little extra prayer/visit time, 'fore I headed off to check gates, 'fore the hunters return, man~ana. Very pretty day; all peaceful and gold, over the hill in the valley.
And, man~ana, better make a garbage run early and swing by the post office, put another book in the mail. Maybe do another Facebook thing, see if we come up with any last minute Christmas orders.
So, we'll keep the "light on" for old Wedo; funny how ya can miss a dog, ya ain't never met. Maybe old Stinky left a bigger gap'n what I thought.
Have a nice night!
Saturday, December 1, 2012
So Far, So Good
Well, pretty fine most a the day, then it clouded up, afternoon, but even that was fair, pleasant.
'Fraid I spent most a the day, correspondin' with my "prayer group", all wishin' Wedo a safe journey to the Grateful Herd. And, case I missed anyone, he's alive and well, in Belen, NM, about halfway 'tween Tularosa, where he started out, and us here; at last word, racked out on the sofa, at the house of a horsewoman friend. He's reportedly very sweet and seems to get along well with her heeler and aussie shepherd.
Otherwise, a few book orders, caught up with a few friends and spent another little while with the boys; never made my poke with the bunch, but we'll try again man~ana.
And, now I reckin', it's time start orchestratin' my "pre-op" trip to Albuquerque, for the 6th. Got my digital recordin' reminder, today on the phone. And, not sure if I can swing it, but if I could pick up Wedo, this trip, I'm inclined to try. That'd give us two weeks together, get him settled in, 'fore. I head down on the 19th for surgery.
See what fits. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers, gettin' Wedo safe, so far.
Have a nice night!
Friday, November 30, 2012
Travel Prayers for Wedo
And, another fine day; quite some high clouds, but generally fair and mild.
Finishing touches on the itinerary for the Wedo dog; thought about tryin' to get a ride, pick him up, myself, but nothin' panned out. So, early mornin' he heads for Belen and my friend will meet the owners next to the freeway exit; take him back to her ranchito, 'till I go down for my eye surgery.
Otherwise, see if I can't take the horses out for one more graze, 'fore another batch a hunters come in Monday; they've been hangin' by the barn, but I oughta encourage them a little. They might talk me into a flake now, but they might wish they hadn't come February. Hard ta blame 'em though, with cannon fire here and there, I just don't think they feel particular safe, out yonder.
And, I guess I'm fadin' early, this evenin', so I'll bid my "g'nights" and head for bed!
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Got It Colored
And, a few high clouds today, as they predicted. Supposedly, el ni~no didn't. Shape up like they thought it would and we've got la ni~na swirlin' around, again this winter. So, the weather's either goin' south across Mexico, or north up through Nevada and Idaho. But, don't quote me, I might have the "ijos" backwards. Anyway, all in all, another pretty fine day.
And, a fair inspirin' day, ta boot. Got a note from Justine Toms, co-host of New Dimensions Radio outta Ukiah, CA. I listen to their show whenever I get a chance, keep up on "new age" thinkers and writers, poets and healers. Anyway, I'd come to find out she's pretty fond of horses and so, I sent her a copy of the book, a month, or so, back. Got a note today that she really liked the book! Way kind a her, take time and she sent me a beautiful card with a picture of her and Michael, her husband and co-host, taken in Louisiana. I was pretty well, thrilled.
Otherwise, looks like the Wedo dog is fixed ta travel on Saturday, and, all goes well; he'll stop over in Belen with a friend 'till I can get down ta co-llect him. And, I'm pretty well, excited on that account, as well.
Then, a course, there was just the day and where I've been hustlin' some late, I made a point of just takin' a nap and goin' for that "extra" prayer/visit time; no excuses. And, that was maybe, the sweetest of all! Don't suppose I can explain it, simple as it is, and considerin'all the times I took the time, over the years since I met my teacher, but, somehow, it's always like new and rich, rich, rich; unbeleivably, unexplainably, rich. And that just ends up colorin' the whole day ta match.
Have a nice night!
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
The Princess Bride
Well, a few high clouds today, early, then by afternoon we were back up to 60 degrees, blue sky and sunshine. Sure could use some moisture, but it sure is pleasant.
Otherwise, it looks like Princess Hutzpah, may have a new boyfriend; Wedo, an Australian Cattle Dog from Tuli-Rosey, New Mexico! I debated the puppy v. older dog some and decided, where she's always been prone to the scruffy old boys, an older dog'd be the better bet. Sides, old Wedo, apart from color, is about the spittin' image of the Stink and he's got the bone and the fur, winter pretty fair up here, seems to me.
I've been watchin' the princess, see if we're better, two or three, but, as much as she likes bein' my one and only, I believe she's a little anxious and three'd be a happier deal, all things considered. Anyway, see what happens; gotta make a call tomorrow, see if the pieces fit together.
And, otherwise, writin', feedin' and tryin' to get things picked up, case winter comes callin', though this week it's been firewood and mailin' books, filled in the blanks. One thing sure, I never run outta things to do. And, hopeful, this evenin', I can sneak in a little more prayer/visit time, where I've been missin' my afternoon go and it sure keeps the glow in my lamp.
So, thanks, one and all for all your love and encouragement along the way and hopeful, we'll pick'er up man~ana.
Have a nice evenin'!
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Horse of a Certain Color
And, ya, another peach! I know we need some winter and moisture, even more, but dang these days are sweet! About a month now, 60 degrees, sunshine and blue skies.
Anyway, so far, so good and we'll keep our fingers crossed for a nice wet spring.
And, otherwise, booksales are pickin' up a tad; funny how that goes. Just the past few days, I was gettin' kinda worried about money and hay and horses, among others and kinda had to wrestle myself back to "trust amigo!". Then, outta the blue, I sold 12 books. Not that that'll solve all my problems, but I might just come a little closer to payin'my taxes come January. And, nobody's starvin' yet!
On the "next book" page, I did write a little more and the, almost spooky, sense of someone, or somethin', havin' it's own sense of where we're goin' persists. But, it's really not spooky, at all, just fascinatin' and encouragin'; afterall, I have few illusions of "knowin' what I'm doin'" and even fewer about "not needin' any help". And, for a fella spent most of his life, supposin' that we aren't alone, it'd only make sense, answers might show up, all kinda ways.
Anyway, it is a wonderful life and, quite comical; 'cause nothin', really substantial has changed, last week to this, 'cept maybe, I made just a little effort, not to "buy the worry", then, all of a sudden, somethin' within' is shinin' again and everythin' looks certainly bright. And, the "oh, my god, life is so uncertain", has changed back to, "wow, by god, life is, certain, one adventure!"
Have a nice night!
Monday, November 26, 2012
Opper Knockity Tunes
And, another fine day! 60 degrees, sunshine and a gentle breeze.
Kind of a paperwork, post office day; nothin' very eventful. Mailed a few books and got postage for a few more. Paid my tax bill and came on home. A little laundry, a load a firewood and a romp with the boys, just before dark, 'bout summed it up.
I reckin' the only new part'd be a start on another book, which is kinda an adventure. The first one took a couple a years of trial and error, 'fore I landed on a solid idea and this one's like ta follow suit. I wrote three or four pages and already I can see it goin'places I didn't intend. But, I guess that's a big part of the adventure; how to let something happen that seems to involve you, but also seems to have a life of it's own.
And, I suppose, that's life! One fantastic mystery, waitin' ta be unravelled; all the little things that happen and the meaning, that longs to be known.
As a wise man might have said; "stay tuned!". And, I'm so inclined; so inclined.
Have a nice night!
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Well, two stories come to mind, but it's the second, I reckin' most accurate. It come from that book that was real popular, back some years; "The Trail Less Travelled".
There was a part where they talked about evolution, or growin', as a person, at least roughly translated. Anyway, they talked about times when you might figure you was kinda depressed and said how, it's not always the way it might first appear.
They went on to say, how sometimes, it's just that some old part of ourself is dyin', so somethin' new can be born. And, that depression is just a kind of sadness, for the old familiar part that's passin', where we might not, yet have learned to appreciate the new part.
Anyway, it's not that I'm particular depressed, but I am sorta uncomfortable and a little disoriented, these past few days. And, I have a feelin', it's kinda similar to that story.
Recent, I've been feelin' a lot of inspiration, make a deeper commitment to my heart and I've noticed, over the years that that kinda inspiration, is powerful, in a quiet kinda way. It really does move some kinda mountains, in our inner world. And, when large bodies of inner earth shift, it can kick up some dust.
O.K., so the first story gets included. I just remember a wise man once remindin' me, "when you really want to travel in the world of the heart, you must remember, it's like swimming; when you first dive in, you're apt ta kick up some sand. Don't be fooled. Wait for the sand to settle and a beautiful new world will open up before your eyes."
I guess I believe that happens again and again, as life and longin' unfold.
Have a nice night!
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Up, Down and Sideways
Well, it must be the moon fillin' up, or maybe it was the after effects of that turkey dinner, but I musta woke up about two o'clock.
Sat up and spent some prayer/visit time, long as I could, but about four o'clock, I started to get pretty hungry and rolled outta bed and started the fire.
Seems I spent the rest a the day, tryin'/waitin' ta see if I'd come back around, tryin' everything from food to coffee, to more quiet time, to a nap. Finally, I figured it was just one a those days, and least I could take a walk. So, I headed out to check the low gate, where we clearly had hunters around.
Found the bunch down yonder starin' at the barn. The neighbors to the south, don't give much thought to neighbors any which way and they'd been sightin' in their cannons, in the mornin', right next to their house, which is way too close to the yard, here, and which, I reckin', accounted for the bunch wonderin' about comin' up the back way, which doesn't run so close to the neighbors.
Anyway, I give 'em a scratch and a howdy-do, each and they followed me back to the barn, long overdue for a flake. And, feelin' a little closer to normal, with the stretch and some fresh air, I gathered up Ruben, see if we might could play just a little, over in the round pen. And, that went pretty well; the boy is changin'. Slow, but sure, sure.
Anyway, then the owners showed up on their way home and we got to visit just a smidge, 'fore the light began to fade and the thermometer drop.
So, it was a beautiful day, inside and out; just a little on the topsy turvy side. But, by and large nice! I even consider that extra quiet time, just mighta helped me understand, just a little more, how simple and great, life can be, evev in the midst of the ups and the downs.
Have a nice evenin'
Friday, November 23, 2012
Stinker Shoes
And, ya, another peach! Blue sky, sunshine and 60 degrees, with just a gentle breeze.
Movin' just a little slow today; thanks givin' dinner with the owners here and my, once a year, glass a wine. But, I did get up and get after things; returned some hay I borrowed from the neighbors, there last week, get me through 'til my load came. And, luck a the draw, they had friends up, just itchin' to get outdoors and do somethin'. So, I came home with a truck load of log chips, too small for Pa Ron ta use. I reckin' that's called a win, win, win situation; those kids got some exercise, Old Ron don't have to bury the chips, and I got a big start on firewood.
Otherwise, I snuck in a late afternoon prayer/visit, where that wine had left my head just a little fuzzy and my heart a little sleepy. So, I reckin' I'll pack her in early, give it a go "en la man~ana".
Oh, and I checked on Pepito, the Blue Healer I found on Craig's list, fill the "Stinker Shoes"; turns out, someone else had money. But the fella said he'd call me if that deal fell through. I'll post a picture below; he's fairly young. Looks like a Chihuahua, just yet.
Have a nice evenin'!
Best, Always
Thursday, November 22, 2012
The Rat Got Packed; North
And, ya, another peach! We did have a few high clouds off to the south over the San Pedros, and a gentle breeze, but, way pleasant for this time a year.
I suppose the excitement for the day, was relocatin' my pack rat. I borrowed a hav-a-hart trap from my neighbor and put in some dog food and just about the time I turned off the light, it'd done the deed. I got up and threw some rags on top, so my rodent friend wouldn't freeze to death and hauled it up the road to an old abandon cabin, about three miles north, after breakfast. I left her a jug a water and one a her old nests I'd raked up, full of hay and some old grain and wished her well.
I know it's just a rat, but we all have our short comin's and she was a happy critter; night time, the way she moved around, it sounded like she was hoppin' and skippin', like she was at the mall and everything was free. It was just, come to find out, she had an equal fascination for the outhouse, and that tripped my switch and spelled out her relocation.
Anyway, she looked around, when I opened the trap and scot under the house, and I dumped out her old nest and set up the jug; god willin' she'll have all she needs, get by 'til snow fall and food for the winter, hay for beddin'.
So, case ya ever wondered, if I'd lost my marbles, I reckin' yer question'd be about answered. But, I just gotta believe, we can get along, mice, human, horse and the lot.
Have a Thankful Evenin'!
Best, Always
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Waste Not
And, yes another peach; blue sky, calm and 60 degrees.
And, a course, a day not to be waisted on anything unessential, so, I went for a toot with the bunch! It's really been way to long, since we all went for a good poke and, with one a the owners comin' up for thanks givin', it was the perfect excuse, go check my gates and open the gate to their place, over on the west side. And, pretty as it was, the bunch havin' come in early and already havin' given them two flakes each, a good excuse to save hay; once we'd made the round, I let 'em in to the patch in the southwest corner, where there's still some fair grass and let 'em graze there, hoofin' it home with the "Hutz".
Just, about dark, I got in a round a hide and seek with the boys, and they were in the mood. They'd run out to the end a the run and hide behind a tree, then I'd sneak out real quiet, like I was fixin' ta pounce, and they'd high tail it back to the barn. Then, a course, wait 'til I was almost back and high tail it back to the run. Couple or three times, we were all tuckered out, so we wandered in for a flake.
Anyway, it was almost a holiday, and I'm like ta get busy tomorrow, but a day like that, it just begs ta be enjoyed. And, I'd say we did it up fair.
Have a nice night!
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Hopin' for the Ruben from the Rough
And, another peach! Blue sky, 60 degrees and calm.
It did take me a few starts get goin'; woke up hungry about 4am. Did manage some quiet/prayer time 'fore, I lit the fire and tried a cup a tea, warm and loosen me up. But, time I warmed and got movin' just a tad, I realized I really didn't get all forty winks and took a nap 'fore I got up for good and commenced ta eat. I reckin' I did burn some calories on that hay, and some part a me wanted 'em back, thank you very much.
Anyway, as often happens, a day as pretty as we had, plans get bumped and I succumb to just bein' around and enjoyin'. I did putz in the office a tad, a little nervous about my math on that check for the hay and I verified all my appointments for December with the Doc. But, soon as I could, I was out ta play with the boys; Ruben today. And, we had a fair extended workout.
Talked to a horse friend up in Utah, the other day, sayin' how I missed havin' days at a time, to just work with one horse. But, with Ruben, curious as he is, I reckin' this "once in a while" stuff, works pretty good. I do believe he got some "over exposed" pulled outta the forest, away from his kin and run through the mill at the forest service pens. And, I know my skills aren't the best, so this "once in a while" arrangement, is givin' us lots a time to get to know each other, and hopeful, one day I'll see clear, the spot that love needs to mend. So easy make assumptions and mistakes and he's such a fine horse, I'm bettin' the time'll pay off.
And, my bed roll is callin'! Have a great night and, quote old Garrison Keilor, "be well, do good work and keep in touch!".
Monday, November 19, 2012
And, another unbelievable, beautiful day; even if I did sleep through a fair portion. The hay came! So, I was up and at 'em early; had the gate open at 7:45 and Dave pulled in about 7:50. And, pretty much he just backed in and we got after it; two hours and 240 bales later, we were rollin' straps and tradin' dough.
It took me a couple a hours come back down to earth, ate my lunch and passed out cold. Got up, through a flake for the ponies and went back for seconds; woke up just before dark. And, now it's 8:30 and I'm ready for bed!
Simple math, I reckin'; ain't as young as I was!
Have a nice night!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
The Bunch Was Out for Lunch
And, another pretty day! Musta been mid 50's, sunny with a floatilla of small clouds off to the south.
And, pretty much, side from correspondence, in the mornin', just got after the barn, get it shaped up and cleaned out for hay. All went pretty well, but I found at least three nests the pack rat is buildin', which I left for another day; hays comin' 8am and the rakin' and cleanin' was top a the list. Meant to take a picture, but it got dark 'fore I remembered.
And, I give Julio a little romp, with the last of the light; a walk, a trot and a canter, this way and that. Picked up his feet and give him a brush. Only thing I missed, pretty much, was a hike ta visit the bunch. They ain't come up since the cows come by yesterday, but it has been pleasant and mild.
And, all things considered, anyday they stay out, is another bale for deep winter.
Anyway, best hit the rack, where mornin's like ta come early.
Have a nice night!
Saturday, November 17, 2012
The Cows Have It
And, a pretty fair day. A little cooler, with a low pressure system bringin' in a little cool air from the north. But, by and large, not too shabby.
Kind of a "ketchup" day, where I been hustlin' some all week it seems; special yesterday, runnin' off to deliver books and, just possible, a tad overdone, with my makeshift, pure sugar breakfast at the tradin' post. I do try to look for somethin' moderate healthy, but look as I might, the pickin's are slim, where they cater most to the oilfield fellas and I wouldn't say they're a "health leanin'" bunch.
Anyway, excitement today was our neighbors to the north, movin' their cows back home. I had the boys out on the run, and they was all a bother, cows and horses comin' up their road. And, I reckin' I give the wives a wee thrill, when I yelled over the fence, askin' if any were ridin' mares; Ruben and Julio doin' their best "prance and blow". "Why, yes, are those stallions?". I took a look at the boys, as I walked out to gather 'em in and noticed, that prancin' as they might, they were stayin' as far away as they could from the cows. "I reckin' we'll be alright", I yelled back across the run, as the boys, happily pranced back to the barn. Mares or not, a hundred head a cows, trucks and riders, that was a lot for a couple a boys from the woods and the barn was lookin' fairly fine.
Even the bunch, in for a flake, decided to head for the hills, leavin' their flakes behind.
Otherwise, a little corespondence, a little firewood, a start on cleanin' the barn out for winter hay and a wee hike around the back, check on the bunch , spot my gates from the ridge and the valley for the absence of hunters; all quiet, peaceful and pretty, the sun comin' in low from the west.
And, it's way passed bedtime.
Have a nice night!
Friday, November 16, 2012
Rags to Riches, and Back Tomorrow
Well, that was a day! Headed out for the tradin' post, pretty much soon as I fed; had to meet Sonja there for a "book signin'", which I missed yesterday, count a the poachers. Anyway, she's a peach; I used to trim her mule's feet, over in Gallina. She's real well read, an old, long time school teacher and "bleedin heart" liberal. So, when I took the first proof of the book over, few years back, see if she'd check my punctuation, she fell in love with the book and ordered 12 copies on the spot.
Anyway, since I spent pretty much every penny I had on the book, or hay, I hadn't been able to make the trip, deliver the books, so we finally settled on the tradin' post for the festive occasion; about half way in between. And, it was. Turned out tomorrow's her birthday and we signed all twelve. She was real pleased with the final product, even if her "punctuation" bit the dust, as I have some very opinionated help. (And yes I'm laughin' pretty fair!)
But let me tell you, you want opinions, try fabricatin' a book with volunteer help; I guess the math has somethin' to do "hush money" or, folks that figure, if they ain't gettin' paid, by god they have a right to an opinion. (And yes, now I'm laughin' way fair, as I'm quite sure my "help" is apt ta read this!)
Then a course as soon as it goes to press, I start gettin' urgent messages from concerned friends about serious grammatical problems! Anyway, most a my friends can't, don't or won't read anyway and the pictures are great, thanks to young Brandon Johnson, so, by and large the reviews have been great; it looks like it's worth it and it sits on a shelf just fine!
(I must be tired, everything strikin' my hill-airious this evenin'.)
Anyway, then I stopped at the cook shack, way home and old Larry starts goin' on about my breakin' horses like I was Wild Bill himself and 'fore ya know it, these two hunters, there havin' lunch, are pullin' out their wallets and books are changin' hands. I looked at old Larry after they left and he just started laughin'; "we'll make you rich yet!". Eighty years old, but his sense a humor is good as a six year old gets.
Anyway, good news is a spent my last penny mailin' a book to the Enchantment Periodical and came home with 5000 more!
And, yes, I do believe it's time for bed.
Have a nice evenin'!